N scale Collector?

Anyone here a member? I am thinking to sign up next month and was curious what your experiance has been.


I joined it about 2 months ago… since then I switched to HO… a bummer I know, However, I would say it is worth it. You get a collector car out of it for the $40 which is normally a $20-25 value from Micro-Trains. Then you get bi-monthly catelogs/magizenes which are good reading with the oppertunity to buy Member only special runs like the “Almost a State” series, which shows the Territories like Puerto Rico, Guam etc on a car like the State Series from Microtrains. So for a net $15 to $20 per year it is worth it… My 2 cents… I just which Micro-Trains made HO…

Let me know If you want to get rid of any N-scale stock you may have!! I will be joining up with it next month I am looking forward to it very much. Also if you can send me a message I would really like to talk about any n-scale you may have left off the board. Thanks,
