I think iv tryed almost everything to try and find a way to mass produce pine trees for N scale. I want my mountain side to look tree covered does anyone know a way to do this other than makeing hundreds of trees? and if know one does,does anyone know how to make a realistic N scale pine tree, by realistic i mean anout 1/2-3/4 inches high?
Thanx in advance
Benjamin R.
Walthers sells Busch brand trees. They are reasonably priced. We ordered 160 in HO and N scale for about $50 from one of the sale flyers. I’d like to have another 160.
I’m HO and working on pine trees. My trees need to be 4" to 12" to look right. Why do you need them so small? I am practicing the dowl and furnace filter method for Balsam/Spruce and dowl with dried weeds for White pine and Norway. There is a learning curve but they can be done. I’m after several hundred and am looking forward getting back to them
Hi Art. Can’t speak for Ben, but I use the small trees for distant ridgelines. Here’s a forced perspective use of trees.
Looks like you made them the same as the rest only smaller. I’ll get to that when the closeup parts are done, If the logging company doesn’t cut them all down first.
I was using the Aggro tree method to make some bigger pines. I used some of the scrap blue furnace filter to make smaller Christmas tree sized pines. I took a hot glue gun and put a glob of glue in the middle of a peice of scrap and rolled it between my fingers into a cone shape untill the glue dryed. Then glued a tooth pick up the middle.
Painted it with some brown spray paint. Then I brushed matte glue onto the branch part and covered it with FINE ground foam of various colors. Then trim the trunk to length and trim the stray goofy looking branches off. Give it a shot of dull coat to seal it and PRESTO. Small, quick trees. Using the hot glue gun is key. The glue dries pretty quick (about 20 seconds). And allows for better shaping and strength.