hi, I just read about the NARP’s new Grid and Gateway Proposal, and I’m asking for opinions and predictions if it might work with the increased demand for passenger rail throughout the U.S.
If there is “an increased demand for passenger rail” it seems to be flying well below the media radar. Even here, in tourist-oriented Las Vegas, the “demand” generates about thirty seconds a quarter (2 minutes per year) of news coverage - mostly for hare-brained ideas that would be about as attractive to the general public as a stage coach. (“High speed rail” to a park-and-ride north of Cajon Pass, for example. If somebody in the LA basin has to drive to Victorville, he’ll most likely keep on driving all the way to Sin City.)
Maybe the NARP would generate more interest if they had as many members as the NRA. They certainly would if they demonstrated an interest in putting up the $$$ to create the service they want out of their own wallets.
The demand for passenger rail might not be high now, but if Amtrak and congress gets their act together to create a better rail network, it might appeal to them more rather than having to drive hundreds of miles or sitting on a stuffy grounded airplane for 5 hours.
If Congress ever allocates enough funds to create a better rail network there will be another problem in the nation’s airways - all those pigs requesting altitude slots and vectors.
Remember, nothing is ever so badly fouled up that politicians can’t make it worse.
You’re probably right, and if I had to guess I’d say our country is going to grow relatively poorer in terms of HST-using nations than richer. What’s worse, political impasse at all levels – including their suburban counterparts NIMBY and BANANA (build absolutely nothing anywhere near anything) is a real problem; but then how many of us want “the [planning, infrastructure, transportation] experts” whom nobody elected to have much more power?
But I haven’t given up entirely on the good ol’ USA. If push came to shove it would cost relatively little money to upgrade passenger rail in a sensible, low-cost direction. The VIA corridor of Windsor - Toronto - Montreal - Quebec City comes to mind. Travel on it ain’t cheap, but it is seamless and reliable. Not everywhere can be the NEC, but enough places like it are NEC-similar in infrastructure and demand (think: BNSF “Racetrack” Chgo/Union Station to Aurora,IL), that further improvements ought to be made.
Knowing next to nothing about high finance and macro-economics, I still don’t see why the fed. gov’t can’t do what it did to smooth out and securitize the mortgage market in the 1960s: Fannie Mae, Gi
Knowing next to nothing about high finance and macro-economics, I still don’t see why the fed. gov’t can’t do what it did to smooth out and securitize the mortgage market in the 1960s: Fannie Mae, Ginnie and the kids and their bond or bondlike investments. I even had an idea for a cute name and nickname: Federal Rail Infrastrure Development and Administration Maintenance Corporation: FR(E)IDA MAC! Feel free to tell your local legislator about my punnish-ing idea, providing you think s/he’s bright enough to understand the analogy.
Ah, but there’s a difference. Squaring away the mortgage market had a direct, positive impact on homeowner/taxpayers from San Diego to Seattle to the Bay of Fundy to the Key West Channel - and all points in between. How do you propose to convince some farmer in Succotash, South Dakota that improved rail travel will be an advantage to HER? Even in the heyday of US prairie railroading, the closest a railroad ever came to Succotash was a two day buckboard ride - and that line carried one mixed train a WEEK except during the harvest season.
The way the US Constitution structured the Congress, rural areas have a lot more clout than urban areas. That, plus the, “What’s in it for ME?” attitude of the general population, is almost an ironclad guarantee that AMTRAK will never have an opportunity to, “Get its act together.” And, since AMTRAK has a Congressionally-mandated monopoly on inter-city passenger service, nobody else can even try.
South Dakota is the only contigious US state that has NEVER had Amtrak service. We do have several active secondary lines – mostly BNSF, although there could be a significant upgrade to the existing DM&E relating to Powder River coal.
We simply don’t have the population densities to support passenger rail, so you can expect our politicans to vote appropriately. I thought the NARP map proposal was simply an attempt to give something to everyone, without giving the least consideration on how to get from the current situation to there – essentially a railroad version of “a chicken in every pot”.
Even if Georgeous (??) George HAD won, it still wouldn’t have changed the fact that South Dakota has miles and miles of nothing but miles and miles - then and now.
In 1980, the third largest community in South Dakota was an Air Force base! (I know, because I was stationed there. It wasn’t even a particularly big base.)
I rather suspect that the NARP propoal was put together by some lobbyist inside the beltway who has never been anywhere near the less populated parts of the US, and whose knowledge of railroad operations and finance are on a par with my (4 year old) grandson’s.
After all, a New Jersey pol was the main driver behind the old Double Nickel speed limit. You can cross New Jersey in less time than it takes to drive to the next town in South Dakota - a fact that never entered the, “Drive at 55!” equation.
NARP lost much of its credibility with me almost from its pre-Amtrak beginnings when I was still in high school. With the notable exception of the Powhatan Arrow discontinuance, it has fought tooth-and-nail against almost every passenger train discontinuance, both intercity and suburban, even when the ridership had all but vanished. In the run-up to the establishment of Amtrak, its proposals for a national route system looked like a connect-the-dots exercise combined with some wishful thinking. Nothing seems to have changed too much since that time.
NARP’s map is based on established travel patterns using all modes. The assumption is that rail could play a role in each of these markets. Its a start, but more market research needs to be done to justify any particular route development, and that’s as it should be. I don’t think NARP considers the map to be the final word, but rather a starting point for policy discussion.
NARP has a more complete plan buried deep in its website at http://www.narprail.org/cms/index.php/resources/more/mpt/ It goes into more detail on how to accomplish its goals. You’d think they’d have a link on the “vision” page to the “plan” page (and I even wrote to them suggesting they do so) but they still haven’t bothered.
I’m a NARP member, but this is the sort of thing where I have problems with NARP. NARP does good work behind the scenes, mostly putting out political fires, but they do a terrible job at getting the word out to the public at large. When I ride the Starlight, I often meet other regular passengers. The vast majority of them have never even heard of NARP. If NARP can’t even get the word out to Amtrak’s regular customers, how do they expect to get the average citizen to pay attention?
As for NARP’s stated goals, I have long believed that there is a strong latent demand for rail passenger services of all types. Where trains have been reintroduced, ridership often exceeds expectations. Even the much maligned long distance trains manage to sell out fairly regularly despite poor connectivity, unreliable timekeeping, and middle of the night hours at many stops. If Amtrak can do that, think what it could do if the trains ran consistently on time, with easy connections, at convenient schedules. But the public can’t openly “demand” a service that most Americans don’t even know exists, much less know anything about.
Chuck: Me thinks you are exagerating a bit, to say Ellsworth was/is bigger than Aberdeen/Brookings/Yankton/Mitchell/ etc/etc. I grew up in Rapid City. I will agree with you, about the miles and miles of nothing, though. Some years back, I wrote a letter to the (late) Governor, George Michaelson, about why Amtrak didn’t operate into Rapid City. His explanation, of why it would never happen, was based on miles and miles of nothing.
Brother Murphy, I was going by the 1980 census data, which lumped Ellsworth with Box Elder (nobody’s idea of a metropolis!) Shocked the socks off me, too - but, there it is.
Why don’t we have a lot more solar energy? John Rowe, CEO of Exelon, spoke about his own green tendencies at the State Historical Society in Madison, Wisconsin(He is against further burning of coal because of Global Warming. Really. An electric utility CEO.) He told us that there is nothing wrong with solar photovoltaic (a favorite cause of the Left) – if you were willing to pay 40 cents per kilowatt-hour. But Germany is doing it, people will whine. Yes, cold, damp, cloudy, north-latitude Germany has created a solar-cell shortage by buying up the supply. Doesn’t make any economic sense but it reflects the political reality in Germany.
But all forms of energy are subsidized, why can’t solar get its meager share of the subsidy dollar? Nothing wrong with that, only it will cost somebody a lot of money. Why don’t we solve the energy problem by building nuclear power plants like crazy (favorite cause of the Right). No problem with that at all if you are willing to pay 14-20 cents/kilowatt-hour, as many people in New York or California already do.
With the high price of natural gas, why don’t I build a “solar wall” on the south side of my house? Why not indeed? With the high cost of natural gas, each square foot of solar collector would save $1.50/year, even in cloudy Wisconsin. If I wanted a 20-year payback, a reasonable requirement at today’s interest rates, I figure I would come out ahead if I could get someone to install a glass solar-wall hot air collector at $30/square foot. Yeah right, where am I going to find a solar contractor after cheap gas had driven everyone out of that business, and where am I going to find any contractor who will build a glass structure on the side of my house for $30/square foot? And what is the tax assessor going to charge me for that solar “improvement”, setting the payback interval even longer? It is simply cheaper to pay h
As a NARP member myself I don’t believe there is any conspiracy against passenger trains. What I do see among Washington politicians is indifference resulting in neglect and ignorance resulting in poor policy.
By and large, state transportation agencies understand the importance of rail and they are eager for some federal leadership on the issue, particluarly in the area of funding. When Uncle Sam is willing to put up 80% of the funds needed for a new or upgraded highway, but nothing for a new or upgraded railway to serve the same market, it doesn’t take a traffic engineer to figure out which one will get built. If both rail and roads were funded by the same formula then the choice would be made on the project’s merits.
That the Federal Government will put up 80 percent of the cost of a new highway but nothing for rail line improvements along the same route hits the nail dead square on the head.
That 80 percent is raised by a tax on fuel, which is for the most part paid by the people using the roads. There is no equivalent funding mechanism whereby Amtrak capital project could be financed by a tax on passenger locomotive fuel or a tax on Amtrak tickets, because costs for Amtrak are that much larger in proportion to what a “user fee” tax could raise, which is another part of the problem.
As to high users’ concerns about cross-subsidy, I am well aware of the argument that there is all manner of cross-subsidy going on with highways, from having to pay Federal gas tax to drive my car on non-Federal highways to the construction of very low-utilization highways in areas of low population density to the construction of ultra-expensive urban freeways that are congested the day they are built but may never pay for themselves from the gas tax revenues of car on the freeway.
As to treating “transportation” as a broad category and using gas tax money to support all modes of transportation, we are already doing that for urban transit, this funding method is relatively uncontroversial across both sides of the bi-partisan aisle, it has built much of all of the new transit passenger rail since the 1970’s. It has also funded transit and especially HOV lanes in a way that many highway users see as preferential to straight highway expansion, and it has left the average highway user congestion-clogged owing continued expansion of highway use along with weak or no expansion of overall transit use.
But we are not doing this (using gas tax money for rail) with Amtrak. I think that Congress is simply reflecting the will of the people, because I don’t see the broad-based popular support for it.
Part of the problem is “bang for the buck.” Whatever very smal
I don’t think Congress is reflecting the will of the people at all. Polls consistently show the public wants more rail development, but these polls don’t get much press attention. A Harris poll not too long ago listed long distance and regional passenger trains as the two top choices for expanded transportation development.
As for economies of scale, Amtrak’s skeletal network precludes that now. Stations that serve one train a day in each direction probably aren’t operating all that efficiently. I think that expansion is necessary for better efficiency across the system. But without a source of capital funding, as you point out, there is a bootstrapping problem. Funds for expansion would have to come from outside the system to get the ball rolling. Personally, I have no problem with a 2-4 cents on the gasoline tax to cover it. That’s less than the weekly price fluctuations at the pump, and probably would go unnoticed, especially after seeing prices jump 50 cents during the last two summers.
But before one asks for money, one needs to ask some baisc questions. Where are the potential riders and where do they want to go? What sort of schedules would be convenient for people? What services and amenities do they desire and require? This sort of basic market research is step one. From that you can establish a route network, decide what sorts of equipment will best serve the system, and so forth. From this information you can establish a set of justifiable goals and from that develop a plan for implementing them. Only after you have a plan in place should you ask for money. Its the same with any business start-up or expansion.
But many rail advocates turn it around. They say Amtrak can’t make plans without a source of funds. I say that’s nonsense. Without a plan Congress has nothing to fund. Plan first, money second. That’s the way it works.
Is Amtrak scalable? Probably. Extension of existing routes, increased freqency on existing routes and longer existing trains could work out pretty well on an incremental cost to revenue basis.
…provided there is rail capacity.
Which brings up another problem. Capital funding for capacity. Amtrak’s prez has talked about this one as have some of the class one’s. There seems to be a push to expand rail network capacity in general and Amtrak and the class one’s (well, at least NS and CSX explicitly, that I know of) have made pitches for public funding that would include passenger capacity.
Amtrak’s other big problem is that they are not very efficient. Managment at all levels has little incentive to improve efficiency. It would just lead to a subsidy cut. It took much wailing and gnashing of teeth to reduce dining car staff. It impetus to do it came from outside the organization, not within. That it worked out pretty well demonstrates that mgt is competent, at least! (they just don’t have any motivation to change anything)
Here’s an idea. On airlines, the required safety personnel serve as cabin attendants, too. On trains, we have two jobs. Conductor/Trainman and coach/sleeper attendant. Why not combine the jobs? (Lots of issues, I know, but any physical show stoppers?)
And another. Put the food service out for bid with the winner getting to keep a % of the take, to make sure they were working on a profit motive that involved revenue rather than just working the cost side.
The thoughts on consolidating positions and contracting out food service are non-starters from the outset. Unless you’re willing to go to the mat with the Brotherhoods on either of these issues, it’s not possible. Also, how many restaurant operators would be willing to bid on providing food service on trains?