National Railroad Hall of Fame: On Hold In Landfill and Nursing Home Committee

I suppose that it is just me, but I found it oddly humorous that the county has a “Landfill and Nursing Home Committee”.

I hope I never end up there…they could wheel me right out the back door into the landfill. How about Landfill, Nursing Home and Railroad Hall of Fame Committee…I think Floyd the barber is on that one…oh well…nice website…

I think your subject line is a very misleading. The project itself isn’t dead on arrival, and neither is the decision by this one local body to donate money to the project or not. They simply tabled the idea for now.

DOA would mean the idea came up and was immediately shot down. That hasn’t happened here.


Editorial accuracy duly noted and ammended.


On a more or less serious note, I think that this economically hard pressed town being given the task of honoring the folks who made a significant contribution to one of a handful if not the most historically significant factors in our national evolution deserves an “Atta Boy” if nothing else, whether it comes to fruition or not. I think it’s pitiful that the industry that was built on the backs of people like this, would, at the very minimum…help this town out and contribute a equal share. The Altoona Railroaders Museum and Steamtown do a great job of highlighting local history, which in turn reflects on the national history…however, the Class 1’s failure to capitalize on what other industries would give their eyeteeth for, never fails to both dishearten me and reinforce their own myoptic sense of public relations… Not to paint all Class One’s with a broad brush…here is an example of what UP has done to bring their own history and that of the nation together…on top of their steam program… and their legacy painting program… Say what you want about UP…but they have this portion of their act together…Are you listening BNSF, CSX and NS? Pretty pathetic in comparison, correct?