NCE Cab 04E throttle "clicking" Encoder

I just received in the mail my NCE Cab 04E throttle to pair up with my existing NCE powercab DCC system. (Note to self: set CAB to 03 to operate). 05 & 06 are the default. Of course you can only use one address anyway so the toggle switch is useless if you are going to use it with a powercab.

I noticed right away that the encoder “clicks” as you turn it CW or CCW. It is very annoying (to me) while I’m trying to run a switcher in “yard” mode, even though the switcher has sound, I can still hear that darn “clicking”.

Does this seem to bother anyone else? Or am I just a prude?[;)]

Doesn’t the E stand for encoder, not potentiometer, and don’t all encoders click? Not sure about that but the only two that I’m familiar with do click… the Digitrax DT400 and the CVP T9000E.

My T9000E has a very soft clicking feel but I can’t hear it. Hearing the click could be annoying.

My ProCab’s thumbwheel does not click. I do wish my Cab4p had a center detent though - it would make easier to find zero in yard mode.

Ooops, I meant to say encoder. So modelmaker, does your Cab4p click when you turn it?

An encoder will click as its turned. The encoder is also proportional. Turn it slowly, click by click, and increase one step at a time. The faster your turn the encoder, the more steps each click will increase.

A cab04p has a potentiometer therefore, no clicks.



I’d e-mail NCE and ask Larry if this is “normal” for one of their 04e encoders or not.


You could always take a tiny brush and some white paint and draw a zero line on your throttle for a reference mark. It still depends on where you originally position the knob before you enter yard mode. I aways have mine zeroed in the 12 'o clock position. That way I generally know where the pivot point is for foward and reverse.


That answer would be no. The encoder one my Power Cab does NOT click.


Dang! If I’d of known the 04P included YARD MODE I could have saved some cash buying it and wouldn’t worry about hearing the clicks.


The one thing you have to watch out for with the 04p throttle is making sure that you re-zero the knob all the way CCW BEFORE you switch it from YARD mold back to REGULAR mode. Otherwise, the 04p sees 12 'o clock in REGULAR mode and thinks, “Oh, 50% power…” I’ve learned that lesson a couple of times.

Actually, now that I have the Smart Booster, my Power Cab can be switched to YARD mode, if I want.


Oh thats cool. Someday if I decide I need the extra power I’ll use my powercab for the yard mode.

I have one of the 04e throttles on my Power Pro system. I went with the encoder rather than the potentiometer specifically to avoid the 50% power problem when switching from yard to normal mode.

My encoder also clicks - I think it’s designed that way on purpose. Although I usually use the Pro throttle, the encoder click doesn’t bother me at all. I don’t know what to suggest, except getting an 04p to replace it. You might get a decent price for the 04e if you sell it.

All encoders ‘click’ but it shouldn’t be that loud. The encoders on my Digitrax DT400 are not very loud at all (if I turn off the key click the throttle generates). If there is an actual key click sound generated by the throttle, there is probably a way to turn it off.

I will never ever ever use a potentiometer throttle, the control with an encoder is so much better. No guessing speed steps, and no issues when reselectign another runnign loco. For yard mode operations you can probably just roll it back and forth with your thumb, since you probably wouldn;t need a full rotation to get a switcher up to proper speed.


Why would you switch from yard mode to normal mode? And when you do switch its not a simple chore. You have to unplug the throttle and then hold the “select loco” button and enter a programming mode to change it.

I think It will just have to grow on me. I’m not going to switch to the potentiometer.