Is it possible to use the NCE switch 8 with a digitrax system? I guess I’m actually asking, are there any problems doing this, as I’m sure it can be done. Has anyone done this? Any problems with the different formats. For the price, it would be a much better investment then the digitrax stationary decoder for tortoise machines. double the machines that can be powered for only a few more dollars.
The NCE stationary decoders should all work with a Digitrax DCC system because they receive their commands through the rail. You can download the NCE manual from their web site.
Should wok fine, I’ve been using the Swith-Its with my Digitrax system just fine. The Switch-8 is basically the same thing, they realized the little processor chip they used could drive a lot more than 2 outputs for a slight additional cost.
Thanks, i might give it a try. I havn’t really strayed to far from digitrax but for about the same cost it would be nice to throw two times the turnouts. Not a problem to program without the loconet was it?
NCE Switch-It and Switch 8 stationary decoders are programmed by connecting them to the track, installing a jumper wire, and using your DCC command station to control the accessory (switch) number you want the decoder to use, then remove the jumper wire. It is not necessary to ever connect it to a programming track, loconet, or anything else.
This is all explained in the NCE documentation that can be downloaded from their web site.
I read through the manual but it doesn’t talk about route control which is what I’m looking for in my hidden staging. I don’t want to have to switch each turnout independently but rather pick one route, so if anyone has used it for route control let me know. The documentation for digitrax shows how route control is achieved directly through the unit and in coordination with other units. So, hopefully NCE supports this as well… would love to save a little money.
Thanks to everyone for the replys so far
Route control (i.e. throwing multiple turnouts to select a specific route) is usually accomplished through a macro. The macro controls specific turnouts and throws them when the macro is selected. Your diigtrax system should be able to do this.
You can not setup routes in the Switch 8 like you can with the DS54 and DS64. If you have the Super Chief then you can set up routes in the command station and they will work fine with the Switch 8. If you have the Zephyr or Empire Builder, then you will not be able to do routes with the Switch 8 unless you add something else to handle the routes. One possibility would be to use the JMRI software to control your routes.