I have reached the stage in my layout where I need flashers to protect two grade crossings and I would like to do it as economically as possible. I’ve looked at many options in the Walthers catalog but I am having a hard time figuring out which operate as is and which need add on controlling units to function properly. I have two crossings in the town I am working in now and to do it right, it should have four flashers, one on each side of the tracks at each crossing. I suppose I the ones facing the opposite side would not need to actually function since the lights couldn’t be seen. Of all the units I have looked at, Model Power seems to be the most economical and from the picture in Walthers catalog seems to look OK. I can’t figure out if this needs an add on controller for the flashing lights. I would appreciate any recommendations for reasonably priced options and what I should expect to pay for two grade crossings, given that the ones on the opposite side don’t need to actually function. I should add that these two crossings are close enough together that I could control both crossings with a single controller. I am also not looking to automate the flashers at this time although that is an option I would like in the future so it is important that they be upgradeable.
I’m having the same thoughts as you for my to be built N scale layout. Not being an electrical engineer, my thoughts here may be out of line, but here goes anyway. The flasher units I’ve looked at need a sensor to activate it, either photo electric or infra-red. I don’t see why a double pole toggle switch couldn’t replace the sensor and route the current to the respective signals. As far as sensors go, I prefer infra-red because I may want to run my trains in the dark. Also I believe on flasher unit could drive several different signals this way. Ken
Check out http://www.berkshirejunction.com/ and visit thier flasher section. I’ve used thier flashers on my modules, and are now fully automated. they work GREAT!!
The Grade Crossing Pro from Logic Rail Technologies can provide the flashing circuit you need, and can also drive a Tortoise switch machine if you want to add crossing gates. It also has a trigger output for a bell circuit. It comes with between-the-rail sensors.
You can get more iinformation about it from thier web site at http://www.logicrailtech.com
I’m with Karl.
I had a set of Model Power or maybe Bachmann crossing signals controlled with a couple of push buttons to provide alternating flashing lights for a long time on the BRVRR. My grandson wanted to automate, but cost was a major draw back.
I thought long and hard before I finally automated my crossing signals. I checked many many sources and just couldn’t justify the cost of most of them.
I finally settled on Berkshire Junction as my source. A good set of scale flashers with red LEDs and cross bucks came as part of the kit with the flasher/detection unit. I chose the infra-red detectors because I like to run my trains, particularly passenger trains, in the dark and IR detectors work in the dark. The whole package cost $50.00.
To make a long story short, check our Berkshire Junction. Send them an e-mail with the crossing arrangement you need signals for, or call them and describe it. They will set you up with what you need.
There is a short tutorial with photos on my website of my crossing signal installation, including the wiring of the flashers. Go to the How’d You Do That page and click on the thumbnail of the RR crossing.
My signals have been in place for nearly 2-years. Not one problem.
Good question… I have the Led’s and optics, but have not yet looked for a circuit design to build the detector??? Anyone have a simple one for us non ECE peeps?
If you are looking for HO modern, Walthers 933-2304 cantilever crossing signal (single lane) and 933-2307 controller will work with DC [:D](and I’m trying to figure out how to make it work with DCC!)[?]
I have the same question, and this is what I want!
This is what I bought some time back http://www.walthers.com/exec/productinfo/235-913. You have to assemble it since it comes completely unassembled. I plan to use a circuit I have in a Radio Shack book that can control it. I love to assemble things, so putting the crossing signal together will be fun and I’m sure assembling the circuit will be enjoying too. I don’t know if you want a ready-made or something like I have, but here’s an option for ya. Tony.
Here is what I did. I bought crossing signals from Tomar Industries (Walthers has them on sale for $39.98 per unit - #81-862). Then, I purchased an NCE block detector (#BD20) for $14.95 to sense the engine within the block that the signals are in. Incidentally, I operate in DCC. The Tomar signals will work in non-DCC but the NCE block detector is for DCC only. If you operate in non-DCC, buy the Logic Rail Technologies Grade Crossing Pro (#LR-GCP) for $42.95. You can buy everything directly from Tomar.