New apartment ready for shelf-style layout.


I have moved into a new apartment. The bedroom is about 10 x 10 (rough estimate) and I’d like to build some kind of layout–probably on shelves as there is no floor space for tables–to run HO trains on KATO Unitrack. I need wide curves for the type of rolling stock I have. Can anyone recommend any good track plans? Also, I have two openings–one to a hallway that leads to the bathroom and the door to the living room. What would be a good way to complete the track circuit without permanently blocking these areas?

Well, I dont have a track plan, but as for the doors, you can make a lift out section, such as a long bridge, which as the name implies, can be removed, (or lifted up if it is on a hinge) to allow access to the inside.

I have a similar space and use Kato Unitrack. That room right now is strictly a workbench room which will recieve a 7 by 12 foot loop with a second lap and a bit of scenery and few switches. At this time the minimum radius will be 28" the largest over 34" That is one thing I will not compromise on. My equiptment needs this radius.

Simple for now. I have been moving towards precise planning involving individual sections of tracks at this time.

I own my home and will be adding on after creating a single large train room out of two small ones with a simple demo. But it is not a priority right now.

If you are living in a apartment I encourage you to consider a modular 2x4 sections c-clamped together for portability and possibly keeping out of the walls which may or may not be allowed by your land lord.

Modulars can have thier own legs. call it 4 feet high.

C clamps are shaped like a C and has a big bolt that threads two objects together sorta like a bookcase ends pair.

Holes go between framing for the wires.

Take em down and stack em when not in use.