New Canadian "manufacturer"?

Hi there. I learned a few days ago that there is a group of investors that created Shira trains, a new manufacturer of HO locomotives (although it appears production will be done in China). Look for on the Web… Apparently they are working on a CP D10 prototype in HO scale. Sounds familiar? I wonder if modellers really want the D10 that bad to have two suppliers working on a CP D10! I must say that the videos show a very promising piece. A combination of old school thinking with new bells and whistles (smoke, actually!). A gear drive, but apparently simpler than the Rapidos. The warranty, however, is a bit disapointing.


Wonder where their located?

It appears that your mention of “” is actually a working link, as clicking on it took me immediately to their home page.

There, they describe it as a new model for 2018/19, so I’d guess that the current situation has pushed back the release date.

While the test shots look pretty good, and I do like Ten Wheelers, it’s not something I really need, especially given the fact that it’s DCC with sound.
While it will supposedly run on my DC layout, I’ve not seen any DCC dual mode locos that do well on plain DC, and I’m not a fan of sound, nor of paying for features I don’t need or want.

They’ve not mentioned a price (understandable at this stage, I guess) but the inclusion of DCC puts it out of my price range.

I was also somewhat put-off by their poor spelling - not that it might reflect on the quality of the product, but to me, it shows a lack of care.


I’d be wary. China does nothing to protect IP for any non Chinese entity. These could be, in effect, “stolen” Rapido designs. Patronizing the “new” entity may just drive Rapido out of business. Then we’d be back to nothing resembling Canadian built locomotives, especially steam.

Somewhat ironically, the very things that make Rapido’s production of Canadian specific locomotives and rolling stock economic also make it very easy to steal: CADCAM design and manufacture of moulds and computer controlled manufacturing. Only the labour costs drive this production off shore. Much of the cost of labour is in the final assembly and packaging for shipping. Were it not for those factors production would be feasible here.

Crazy to think that a big part of production cost is packaging for safe shipment. Same cost whether shipping around the block or across an ocean. Modern shipping of the packaged product itself is so cheap as to be virtually zero once it’s in the shipping container. For our hobby there is no delivery time factor especially in times of very cheap capital. In fact, capital is virtually free at the moment and getting cheaper.

Good point, Mike, and perhaps the explanation for the somewhat sloppy spelling.


In my business we get Phished constantly. You’d be amazed at how often you can spot even a fairly expert phish because the English used in the email is very slightly odd. For example, a phish referring to a “driver’s license” but purporting to be associated with a UK resident. “Driving license” would be the correct useage (actually, licence, because license is the transitive verb infinitive). And so on. My favourites come out of Nigedis (Nigeria, I left the original misspelled version because it shows how bad autocorrect can be, another sign of a phish) . Some of the offered splits of the supposedly ill gotten gains can be absurdly in favour of the fraudster!!!

Would be unfortunate if everything isn’t above board…something does seem “off” with the website but not sure… will keep an eye out on this tho.

If it isn’t Scottish…

You mean like “acoustic”…a stick which a Scotsman uses to bring in the cows?


Someone familiar with the Rapido design can investigate:

to see where any similarities or differences are. It is a breath of fresh air to see good drawings and sensible wording for how to provide maintenance; companies like BLI might have something to learn here.

They claim to have an exhaustive set of sounds from real H10s … be interesting to see where and how these were obtained. Someone might research their decoder maker, too…

From period photos I’d say Rapido is bang on and this newcomer is incorrect. The boiler taper is wrong on the Shira model. Photos show little to no boiler taper, maybe a slight hump at the steam dome.

The newcomer seems to be aiming at a much lower price point.

Mind you I have a bias in that I ordered a ten wheeler from Rapido…

to pull my consist of KVR brass passenger cars from that era of wooden cars.

In looking at this newcomers website, notice that there is no information at the bottom as there is on 99% of legitimate websites. No copyright info as to when the coryright is effective. On the mail page there are no addresses. Phone support is provided, yet there is no phone number listed. I would be very wary of dealing with them when an established company has already stated this model will be produced.

Interesting spelling of “locomotive” also.

Seems they have had a few problems with the project, just about scrapped due to illness of a principal and they also had a few board issues.

I contacted Rapido, specifically mentioning this thread and, and got a prompt reply, saying that Rapido was well-aware of their presence, and welcomes the competition.


Something tells me this loco will not hit the shelves.

I have an order for two of the Rapido 10 wheelers.

I really like the way Rapido is upfront admitting there were problems with the Hudsons and will be doing things differently with the 10 wheelers. Rapido fixed both my Hudsons including paying the shipping back to Rapido and they have both run flawlessly since their return. I have since bought two FP7s and have a “B” unit on order. Can’t wait for the 10 wheelers.

While I was working on the layout I had a Hudson pullng 13 Rapido coaches around the layout for about three hours the other day without a hickup.

If the Shiratrains engine does hit the shelves it will be interesting to see the quality as it appears that they will be manufactured by a third party (I stand to be corrected) whereas Rapido has their own factory.

I think I read that they run every loco for an hour before shipping it out. How about a tour of the factory like Rapido does to show us the hundred of locos being tested. Ya right.

Reading the warranty, my gut feeling just doesn’t feel good. Putting out literature that is so lacking in detail just sets of alarm bells.

I see plenty of things that look odd about that site, but I wouldn;t discount quality automatially just because things are made by a third party. After getting my new Atlas RS-3 yesterday, I noticed something about the packaging. Recent Bowser Executive Line models have the exact same packaging, a thick plastic base to which they actually screw the loco to inside the foam and clear plastic sleeve. Leads me to believe they are made in the same factory. Both are top quality models.

Even if I was interested in this model, I’d definitely take a wait and see position, as there are plenty of other red flags on the site and particularly in the PDF with tons of spelling errors.
