New Catalogs Coming Feb 11

The New York International Toy Fair begins February 11th. Lionel traditionally releases their big catalog for the year then. I assume this year will be no exception. I usually don’t get a copy until a couple weeks later when I stop by my train store or I get my copy from the Lionel Railroader Club.

What about the other toy train manufacturers. MTH has already released two 2001 catalogs. Does anyone know if they will release another at toy fair? What about Marx, Weaver, Williams etc.

We may get lucky this year and maybe CTT will put an article on line covering the toy fair and describing the new train products announced at the fair. I assume CTT will be there. Possible?

Will anyone on this Forum be at the toy fair. If so, it would be nice to hear from you periodically on this forum. Unfortunately, I cannot go to the fair, I do not believe it is open to the public and I live far from New York. But if anyone will be at the fair, I am sure we Forumites would love to here the latest scoop from the toy train manufacturers.

Tim P.