New hardiness zone map put out by Arbor Day Foundation

Pat Hayward, our horticultural editor, has informed me of a new US plant hardiness zone map that was recently issued by the Arbor Day Foundation. Please note that this map is not sponsored by the USDA, but it is still a good reference. If you click on the buttons the animation will show the changes from 1996-2006.

wow wee, the effects of global warming can REALLY be seen visually at their link here:

I have seen this sort of thing before and it is terrific and you are lucky to have it. We here; are about equal to halfway between Florida/ California and Hawaii.

You know; i have never tried to get one for Australia, one may well exist.

Rgds ian

Ian, there is an equivilant map available for Australia:

It doesn’t have the fancy animation, but the information is still there.

That map didn’t tell me anything i didn’t already know but thanks anyway.

Rgds Ian

From what I’ve been hearing, the desert of Australia will be (already is?) rapidly expanding; I’d go for succulents and other hardy garden RR shrubs if I were garden railroading there

Fortunately for me i am not!

I live in a very lush tropical area, 2 minutes walk from a salt water lake and 20 minutes walk from the Coral Sea.

Rgds Ian