New Layout Progress Report (Pics)

Hello everyone. Here are a few pics showing the progress I’ve made on my new layout.

The first pic shows a recently finished Central Valley bridge that will span across a river bed. Those great looking backdrops were hand painted by my wife, so i can not take credit for them. It’s the first time she’s ever been involved with my hobby, and believe it or not, she’s having fun!

These next two pics show the double-track trestle I scratch-built to fit the location. The bridge was inspired by John Allen off his G&D layout. I plan to add a mountain / waterfall scene behind the bridge. The stone footings were hand carved onto plaster of Paris over a wood former.

Here’s a shot of my new Walther’s 90 foot T-T. Still need to add a few more radial tracks and program the indexing memory.

The last pic shows my wife’s backdrops as seen from a distance.

Very nice photos. I like the trestle, and I can’t wait to see the scene unfold.


Bob !!!

Good to see you back, I’ve been wondering how your coming along with the new layout. Please keep us posted. I have your old layout pics saved, I use them all of the time for insperation.

Post more often!


that will be awesome. Nice backgrounds too.

Bob, Very nice start.

Tell your wife that she does a fantastic job on those backdrops!


Excellent. You are way ahead of the game having the backdrop up and painted this soon. It will make scenery much easier down the road. Keep the updates coming, looks like an excellent layout.

Sweet sky and clouds… oh, yah, that other stuff look ok too. :stuck_out_tongue:

Man, I’m soooooo wishing I could get some track down. Very nice pics.

Any hints on how you got the wife involved!!! I’ve tried everything, no dice…

very nice work! I’m glad to see I’m not the only one using OSB! Sure is easier on the wallet and aside from the splinters in the fingers is just as good as ply as long as it’s used in a climate controlled setting. (the humidity factor).

I echo above re: the trestle. sweet…


It see fishies in the sky! Your wife did an excellent job. Trestle looks good as well. Cant wait to see the final product of your hard work.


WOW, it looks like you have something really special going on! That curved trestle is just outstanding, and I suspect the finished scene will be awesome. Not sure what kind of trains you will be running, but I sure hope they slow down before they hit the trestle.

Question, looks like you are blessed with a large, finished layout area. How big is it?




Wondered what you’ve been up to these days… well I got my answer.

Is this the same space as your old layout?

Love that trestle, do keep us posted on your progress

Bob, at the rate you’re going, you’ll be done with the layout by next week! Great photos.


Hi Bob,

I am impessed. Great looking benchwork, wonderful double track treesel, and those clouds are to die for.

Any chance you are interested in renting out your wife for a weekend or two. Lol.

Keep the pictures coming sure want to see your layout unfold.

Johnboy out…

May the Rails never be Silent.

Very impressive! love the bridges, nice looking bench work looks like your off to a great start please post more of your progress helps keep guys like me motivated and have something to shoot for.


Many compliments to your wife’s stunning art work. Would be so cool if she made a vid showing her cloud painting technique and posted it on YouTube.
