New Locomotive (Pics)

My LHS (Arnies Trains in Westminister Ca.) had a great sale on this Proto 2000 0-8-0 (Heritage Steam Locomotive) Can you believe I paid 67.00 dollars for it! They picked up a bunch of proto and brass from a dealer that went out of business, and were willing to pass the savings on to thier customers. If anyone is interested in buying one, they still have 6 more of these Locos on sale.

Here are pics showing how mine turned out, after I weathered and re-lettered it for my railroad:

BTW, she runs as good as she looks!


She’s a beauty!!! [tup][tup]

Don Z.

Looking good! Did you add any detail parts to it or is that how they come?

The only details added were the engineer and firemen. Other than that, what you see is what you get! Hence the reason I snatched it up when I saw a sale price of only $67.00. These loco’s retail well over $200. Best price prior to this one was one I saw at a train show last summer. There, dealer wanted 150.00 as a show special.

Great looking Locomotive. Is it DCC or DC? Does your LHS sell online would love to pick one up.


The loco comes pre-wired for DCC. You would have to add a decoder in place of the dummy plug used to run DC. However, it does require you upgrade the 12 volt lamps with a higher rated bulb or use LEDs during the DCC conversion.

Very nice.

Man, what a score! Great job on the weathering. I have found that a good weathering job can really bring out the details on a steamer. Nice!

You Didn’t buy it !

at $67 I’d call that Stealing [swg]

Congrats !!!

It’s a beauty

Sweeeeeet! What a beautiful old girl! [:D][tup]

Nice looking loco, great job of lettering, a very, very clean locomotive, in the last photo it seems someone inserted a body with rigor mortis and very large, huge, bulging arms. A wonderful looking engine indeed.