My son got a Lifelike set for Christmas, and another for his birthday.
The track is great, much better than Bachman, if you plan to set up on carpet or the floor.
The power pack is quite a pain, the throttle has two speeds, too slow, then a gap, and too fast.
The locos are noisy, but they pull as well as any I have.
The cars use talgo trucks, with the coupler mounted in a box on the truck, and between those and the fact that the cars are all underweight, you’ll see a lot of derailments at turnouts. On their track on the floor they work ok.
My daughter got a Bachman set for Christmas, The Grinch, and the locomotive is smooth and quieter than the Lifelikes, and the train stays on the layout track very well. I haven’t tried the power pack, but the track is a major pain to put together.
Lets be straight here, a six year old and two year old girl aren’t going to get a whole bunch out of electric trains. No worries, I use the same story and it works, very very well, never had anyone question it yet. But when it comes to buying decisions, you’ll get skewed answers if you give even marginally inaccurrate background info.
If these traisn are for the kids to run on the floor, go with a Lifelike set and enjoy the fun.
If these trains are also for dad, six the trainset idea, get a premium locomotive or two, some flextrack, a book on benchwork, another on layout planning, and as many Blue Box rolling stiock kits as you can find, since they aren’t making them any more.
Oh yes, bookmark this site, I have yet to see a question these guys couldn’t answer.