NS 4001

Does anyone know whether NS plans to repair engine 4001, the blue nosed DC to AC conversion locomotive that they rolled last year? Is there any word on when it might return to service and what paint it might wear? Or, are they planning on retiring/scrapping it? Just wondering.

Per the NSDash9 roster page, still on the roster and currently being repaired at Altoona. As for the paint scheme, I imagine you’ll just have to wait and see.

Units with heavy wreck damage sometimes sit for an extended period since they’re preoccupied with routine work, more minor repairs, and various rebuilding programs. Units with major damage as a result usually have work performed on a low priority basis.

For a good example, back in April Norfolk Southern finally returned to service SD70M-2 #2702. She was damaged way back in September of 2013 when the intermodal train she was leading struck a tractor-trailer that was hauling concrete bridge beams.

So it took over four and a half years before the unit was returned to service (i.e., just over 1/3 of her life so far was spent stored in a deadline awaiting repairs).

I agree with “wait and see”. I would be somewhat pessimistic about the paint scheme. The guy who championed it originally is on another job at NS these days.

Passed by Altoona on Saturday and she still looked like this: https://www.flickr.com/photos/lrmyers/40613079585/in/pool-altoonaworks/

As for paint, since she will be an Altoona rebuild that means black-bonnet with a blue stripe, right?

I’d bet on plain NS black, myself.

Thanks for the update. Sad to think 4000 is the only one in blue and gray, but at least it’s still running. Thanks all.

I just looked at that photo Mr. Carleton linked.

If that’s all that’s left of 4001 I’d be amazed if NS goes for a rebuild, it looks like it’s been well and truly stripped and cannabalized for any usable components.

It strikes me that it would be like trying a classic car restoration when all that’s left to work with is the chassis.

But hey, what do I know?

Crash posts are still good. [tup]

No wonder, 4001 fell onto its right side: http://s3.amazonaws.com/rrpa_photos/122060/DSC01083A.jpg
Regards, Volker

She’s been stripped in preparation for rebuilding.

Between her engine rebuild and her AC44C6M rebuild, she was stripped down even further I imagine not too long ago. At least her electrical cabinet survived intact.

If the FDL survived, perhaps the only real loss here of something retained in Norfolk Southern’s Dash 9 to AC44C6M program, is her radiator system?

I bet NS even has a suitable long hood on hand in Altoona that can be repurposed for her.

More than likely, but given my druthers: https://www.walthers.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/800x261/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/f/a/famous_image_collector_series_diesel_ge_es44ac_standard_dc_85-49766.gif

Interesting Mr. Carleton, very interesting indeed.

But they’ve done an “Erie,” and they’ve done a “Lackawanna.”

How’s about something really cool and unusual like this…


Just for grins.

Firelock-- Well thanks for that but don’t get your hopes up.

The railfan community would be doing backflips and talk about a cult status locomotive.

Well, if you’re going to do a blue bonnet, then dangnabbit do a blue bonnet!


NS does own a big chunk of the former D&H after all!

Way cool, kgb! That D&H scheme on the PA has to be one of the best diesel paint jobs, ever!

Now, suppose the NS turns the guys in the sheet metal shop loose and have them re-do 4001 into something like this…


No-one would fail to notice something like that!

I’d have to shop it for hurting my eyes.

They’ve also done PRR, NYC and PC. Penn Central lasted eight years, half as long as the EL and is best left forgotten. I completely understand why PC was a last minute addition to the heritage list but if they could include that then EL certainly deserved it all the more so. The 1700 was a nice consolation prize.

Did we ever find out if the PC SD70ACe is painted black or Brunswick green?

That “D&H-bonnet” scheme would look great on a GE!

It most certainly would but the current owners of the D&H may have issue with its use.

Well then they should do one! Those pseudo-heritage GP38’s are starting to show their age, time for round 2!

And there’s plenty of room on the hood to fit a golden beaver beside the D&H shield, just to make it clear who owns the thing.