Could someone help me finish this list on NS trains that run on the Piedmont Division (Between Atlanta, Ga and Greenville, SC)? Destinations and orgins of these would also be appreciated.
Right off the top of my head I can also think of 238, intermodal/autoracks from Atlanta-Charleston via Spartanburg (and Greenville). I’ll have more once I check my handy dandy notebook!
Also, these are not “regulars” but 913 (rail train) and 980 (Ceterpillar heavy equipent) are specials that can often be found on the Piedmont between Atlanta and Greenville.
I don’t know how up-to-date this spreadsheet is, but I often use it to cross check the trains I spot on the Piedmont Division between Atlanta and Greenville. Has origin/destination info as well. For example, these seem to be correct since I have spotted them and I have crosschecked railfan photo sites:
NS 211: Croxton, NJ - Atlanta, GA
NS 214: Atlanta, GA - E-Rail, NJ
NS 222: Atlanta, GA - Charlotte, NC
NS 25T: Rutherford, PA - Atlanta, GA
I believe 90Q is handling the tie replacement? I hear it all the time over the last week or so above Buford, but I can tell you there are stacks of ties along the right-of-way all the way down to Norcross. Jamie
A new one (for me) is P11 which apparently runs from a Toyota facility in Commerce, GA to Atlanta. It actually uses the branch that goes off of the Atl-Wash mainline at Lula. This looks like a cool train: unit autoracks, and it runs right through the streets in Commerce. I am going to do some research to find out when it runs, but so far my “rail sense” indicates that it does Commerce-Atlanta on Fridays, coming into Atlanta late friday afternoon. I have spotted it the last two Fridays holding on the doubletrack south of Norcross while the afternoon northbounds pass by.