If not what were the differences? I was looking on the internet I think it said they were basically the same. Did they both deliver 6000HP. To me the difference I saw first was the exhaust. Look below at a C60AC.
As far as I know. they are virtually the same. They both deliver 6000 hp. The UP designation C60AC, the GE designation is AC6000CW.
[#ditto] LIKE HE SAID
The reason for the twin exhaust is the engine had twin turbo’s instead of a single like most GE engines.
Yes, there are the same. UP tends to name the locos a bit differently as noted above. UP’s ES44AC’s are labeled C45ACCTE’s.
And, the new BLI Blueline models are cool, very nice indeed. Was running one for a guest this weekend and he was impressed too. The sound is pretty good, plenty loud with the dual speakers (but adjustable down to nothing if wanted) the paint and detailing are good and conversion to DCC is quite easy, just pop off the lid to the fan housing and the 8 pin plug is right there. Since all you need is motor control, the smallest decoders will do.