old rusted american flyer

what to do with,not totaly junk 305 engine and tender busted nose on engine but motor and worm gear turn pair of powered turn outs 301 engine passenger car work car and caboose track and pack track is rusty turn outs are loose but didnt try them with power what do you think take it to train show and hope some one needs some parts and maybe trade me a cheap pair of gons for the mess!

Rusty AF track isn’t worth much, but it sounds like the rest of what you have could be useful for parts or restoration. It would probably be worth more than a pair of gondolas to someone who needed it, but it’s not worth hundreds of dollars. I get really sick of seeing boxes of rusty, partially disassembled postwar AF and Lionel with $200 price tags on them. The only thing rare about something like that is the person willing to buy it.

Try a train show, or if you have a local Craigslist in your area, post it there. It seems like a few trains change hands through Craigslist, and it won’t cost anything to try. Don’t accept a lowball offer like $5 right off the bat though, and if a responder sounds like a sociopath on the phone, don’t feel bad about quickly calling off the deal. There are good, wholesome people reading Craigslist too, so you can afford to wait.

Also check the freebie local newspapers in your grocery store that have classifieds sections. I know there are plenty of people in my area who place want ads for vintage trains. And since the people running those ads are paying $20 a week to do it, they’re not likely to be scam artists, and they’ll probably be more eager to make a reasonable deal so they get their money’s worth that week. When I was the guy running the ad, I sure was.

hey went to train show swap meet in greenville oh today got 15 o gauge gons for that old set so i am happy thanks

Usually the old A.F. switches are in demand, but straight and curve track that is really rusty can be sent to the metal recycling place as scrap metal. Locomotives and cars in A.F. will bring a few dollars even in beet-up shape as somebody may need a part from it.

Lee F.