Operating your railroad


Out of curiosity has anyone recieved or know when the digital version of How To Operate Your Model Railroad will be available?

You could always contact Customer Service


It is a legitimate question though…

A digital edition SHOULD be issued at the date they have stated, an ordinary printed one can take a while longer (especially when living in Europe…).

This is what the receipt said:

Special Issue: DIGITAL HOW TO OPERATE YOUR MODEL RAILROAD Rate: $4.00 Issue Date: April 01 2012 - An email will be sent to you around this date as notification your digital issue is available. This subscription will be emailed to xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Order Total: $11.95

It’s especially bad when seeing that the Operation issue is already available on Zinio…

I will not shove this in the corner and send a message to MR’s customer service as I think this is sooo badly handled.

I think that I should get somewhat better treatment when ordering AND paying 6 months in advance!?!

Obviously I’m wrong…

If this is how they treat us that supports the mag, then I’m not really sure what to think…

Should be shipping on the 14th April, according to the Kalmbach website.

Got my paper copy yesterday Thurs 12.

That’s not exactly the topic of the original post, but the TITLE HEADING did not specify the digital version.