"Our" Place IV - <est 12 Apr 2005> Adults 'n Classic Trains

[bday] 2008 BIRTHDAY WATCH LIST [bday]

<rev. Aug 1st>

ACTIVE Customers at “Our” Place

January 14th (Eric - 65)

OKRA (Dec 22 - Jan 20) Are tough on the outside but tender on the inside. Okras have tremendous influence. An older Okra can look back over his life and see the seeds of his influence everywhere. You can do something good each day if you try. You go well with most anyone.

March 5th (Nick - 48)

Hi Tom and all.

A Bacon sarnie please CINDY[tup]

ROB Many thanks to the link to the Port Stanley Terminal,[tup] a line with an interesting history and collection of smaller diesel locomotives[^]. Noticed the photo of London & Port Stanley electric locomotive L1 from the Elgin County Museum at the bottom of the history page.[tup]

ALLAN. Don’t know if you see Steam Railway magazine where you are [?]but mine has arrived[tup] and it has a photo of the four A4s at York on the cover and a large poster of them inside[bow].

DL Have a great trip on the Eurostar.[tup]

LARS Great to see you in the bar in its time of need[^][tup]. Thanks for the round[tup], although RUTH was not too happy with the bevy of ladies[:O] she is a lot happier now you explained it.[swg]

Many thanks for the Mo-Pac book covers from the Larsman Bookmobile[^][tup]. As you probably know, the line that runs through here was originally the Mo-Pac. now UP. It is still busy,[^] but I would have loved to have been here when there was steam and those Alco’s on the passenger trains.[wow]

That looks very much like the workshops in Sedalia MO, which are still standing[^], on the ‘Cabooses of the Missouri Pacific Lines’ cover.[yeah]

FERGIE Really enjoyed reading about Alexander Keith;[tup] reading about a brewery is nearly as good as having some of the ale[:)], especially as you are

G’day Gents!

Many thanx to Pete for stopping by on this Saturday . . . normally a rather slooooooow day here in the Ether.

Drug up this from the sub-basement archives for your enjoyment! [swg]


<A form of this was initially Posted on 25 Oct 2005, Page 146 of the “original” Thread>

Here’s something to enjoy regarding the Louisville and Nashville (L&N) from an advertisement in Classic American Trains

The NEW Crescent

Hi Tom and all.

A Bathams please CINDY.[tup]

Back again with some more photos.[tup]

A couple of LNER Pacifics[^]. First class A2 No 60532 Blue Peter. Introduced in 1947 by A. H. Peppercorn the A2s were simular to the A1s of which a new built A1 locomotive it is to run shortly but with 6’ 2" driving wheels as opposed to the 6’ 8" drivers on the A1s. Here 60532 is on the preserved Great Central Railway.

60532 on main line steam tour duty at Carlisle. After hauling the train from Crewe the engine serviced at Carlisle and we had a really great run with a fantastic climb of Beattock Bank.[wow][^]


On another main line tour 60532 in DL’s part of the world[tup], it is ether at Syston North Curve or at Sheets Stores Junction near Trent.

A famous locomotive[bow], althogh I wonder if Thomas the Tank is not more well known nowadays[sigh]. Flying Scotsman in her final BR livery as 60103 with double chimney and German style smoke deflectors. At Kidderminster Town station on the Severn Valley Railway.

We had gone there with the intention of having a ride behind her[tup] but such was Scotsman’s popularity the queue for tickets was outside the booking office across the front of the station and nearly reaching the BR station[:O]. So we took photos of her leaving and consoled ourselves in a few Bathams hostelries[:-^].

Ahoy Cap’n Tom ‘n fellow travelers at the bar!!

Cindy my lovely, a ROUND of Schaefer for the gang, slide those snack trays down my way, wudja [?] And treats for the crittAHs - Boris, feed ‘em ‘n that LARGE jar of PPF is for YOU! [swg]

Just wanted to check back to see if things are functioning as I had hoped. Don’t see our Manager around the premises, so figured it should be my call to hold the line. Duty calls!

I think I’ll do the “noble” thing and NOT make comment on the comment! But here I go again - level playing field, HA! [banghead]

Now to what this place was designed for! Interaction for those who enjoy Classic Trains in an ADULT environment! Yeah, that’s me. [swg]

Good to see the Wolfman keeping up with his end of things. What is this [?] ANOTHER Monday with a late arrival [?] If it isn’t “sneaking off” for a weekend, it’s NOT coming through on Mondays. What now, the dentist [?] Must be code for “I’m going to have a hang over.” C’mon Pete, it doesn’t take all day to go to the dentist - Good Grief Charlie Brown! [swg]

Up ‘til the point where this place got resurrected, I was enjoying those last few pages at “Our” Place thrice. Some truly fine material. Da Bossman has urged youse guyz to check it out before it disappeAHs off the m


I understand it is customary to oder beverages, and maybe food, when coming in here.

That being so I will have a pint of draught Guiness and a Cornish Pasty please.

Thenk yo!

I noticed in a post earlier a comment about UK railway shed names and numbers. Yes the LNER did have the shed on the buffer beam, also the class of loco. Whether the class name applied to all classes I cannot say. It was a foreign railroad to me.

As far as The Great western is concerned the shed, in the form of abbreviated initials, was usually to be found at the point where the running plate met the front buffer beam. Most were three letter but there were a few exceptions. Some were only two and there were a few four letter. There was one five letter SALOP, which was an abbreviation for Shrewsbury (which can be pronouncedas it looks or as Shrowsbury -which is how I have always pronounced it).

Salop is also a another, not so often used way, of referring to the County of Shropshire of which Shrewsbury is the County town.

GWR running sheds also had numbers for administrative uses. This was superceeded in BR days by the usual oval plate fixed on the smokebox door.

<personal foto - NYC #2933 at MoT, Kirkwood, MO>

G’day Gents!

I see we’ve had a bit more activity on this Saturday than most along with a return visit from a guy who just may decide that he enjoys the way we do things 'round here. [bow]

So, a hearty OH-FISH-UL Welcome Aboard to Alan [#welcome] - first drink is on the house! [bow] [wow] [yeah] [tup]

Yes, it is definitely customary to order a drink and/or food upon entering our premises, along with a proper greeting for the bartender. We have “ways” to deal with those who fail to do so! But I digress . . .

Since we’re now on a new Thread, there shouldn’t be too much difficulty in reviewing what has transpired. Page 1 contains our “ground rules,” which I’m sure you’ll find rather easy to live with. [swg]

I urge you to review the final few Pages of “Our” Place III, before it disappears from the Forum’s main Page . . . you’ll get a quick "handle"on the most recent Posts from the crew.

Glad to have you with us! Feel free to direct any of your comments or questions to our customers. We are interactive here - so, be prepared to return comments directed your way. [tup]

Good to see Pete with a 2nd visit of the day along with a fine spate o’ fotos! [bow] Then along came Lars with an “only as Lars can be” Post! [swg] [bow] Made the afternoon having the two of you aboard! [yeah]

Thanx for t

[:)][tup]Hi Tom and all,

Leon, the usual round of Tuis for all the guys please![yeah]

Fergie. Very interesting story of the origins of Keiths Beer.[:)][tup]

Eric. We didnt have any snow round here, just lots of rain and gale force winds, the storm affected the the whole of NZ which was very unusual, they usually affect one or two regions, glad its passed through now. Some nice snowy pics from the Can Am RR, glad the snow was there, not here. (Sorry Tom!) [;)] Nice caboose shot. [:)][tup]

Dan. I vaguely remember the name of the Wolsey model, I think it was badged as the 16/60 model from memory, can`t remember the Riley name at all. Have a very pleasant trip, see you when you get back, would really love to take a ride on the Eurostar[:)][tup]

CM3. N gauge really suits my shed space, and it gives that sense of scale in the small area I am limited to.[:)][tup]

Rob. Sorry to read you lost that post, it`s very frustrating that’s for sure.[banghead] A fine link to theStanley Terminal Rly. Thanks for those smiles in the mailbox mate.[:)][tup]

Nick. A very nice set of the photo collages with all the saddle tanks, vertical boilered “Sentinal” and the Ruston & Hornsby shunter locos`.[:)][tup]

Pete. Looking forward to all those pix of Alan`s, loved all of your lovely LNER loco pix, the J27, B1 1264 and all of the Pacific shots, thanks mate they are all definate keepers![bow] It would be very interesting to find out thr

Good evening Leon a nice cold keith’s if you don’t mind, and a round for da boyz as well. Anyoine have troubles with the forum yesterday[?] kept getting forum shut down for maintenance every time I tried to log in yesterday,today fired up on the first attempt[%-)]perhaps just revenge for venting against the man the other day[:-,][:-^] BTW for those who give a rat’s patoot,I aggree with Lars on the hows and the whys.

**Tom-**Thanks for the email updates mate [tup] looks n sounds good.[tup] I ddin’t think you were one for dinner trains,guess your lowering your standards[:-^] Great stuff outta the sub basement as well.At least you know that the GOR are and appreciate it [tup]

**Lars-**Thnaks for the double shot I needed it. Nice to see you in two days running as well [yeah]Two days of Ruth singing happily behind the bar too it’s pure gold [tup]

Two find spreads of the bookmobile as well,makes it feel just like the old times ( instead of the end times round here )[8D]

I wonder if the streetcar info has allowed Fergie to win the discussion with Lisa [?]

Pete-Loved both days worth of fine fine steam shots [tup] you’ve gone and outdone yourself again. For those wonderfull shots and undying support for the bar and it’s patrons,you won’t have to make tomorro

Good evening Captain Tom and Gentlemen!!

Hello Leon, quite a few people here tonight! A party going on? Wow, Vito? No, I promise not to tell! Yes, Steak and Bisquits, please! Yes, Tui!

A busy Saturday! Didn’t have time to stop by until now! I think they should make the weekends longer, add two or three hours of daylight Saturday and Sunday! That would help.

Tom – Missed the daylite today.[;)] Mountain Village at high altitude? If it is so high, everybody should bring oxygen when they are moving around.[oops] I have been on the top of Pikes Peak in the summer and there was no snow! The altitude is 14,110 ft and you can feel that there isn’t much oxygen in the air. Oh, I know, the latitude, but still…[:-,]

Dinner train in Nebraska? Sounds nice, the problem is to find someone to take care of the animals. [sigh]

L&N, a railroad I don’t know much about. One of many, I am afraid. But I learned some tonight![tup]

Sent email.

Pete – Oh, I don’t disagree, 113˚F is hot enough, but sometimes it warms up a little bit more. [yeah]

Thanks for the info on the #1264![tup] Nice to know she was saved!

It certainly would be nice to ride the train from St. Louis to Kansas City and back. Something to think about.[:)]

Interesting photos![tup] You are right, #60103 looks German thanks to the smoke deflectors! It looks like it is a 4-6-2, is that correct?[?]

Lars – After partly retiring in January I am very much looking forward to retire 100% in October

<MoPac #4502 at MoT, Kirkwood____, MO - personal foto>

Reminder: “Our” Place is CLOSED on SUNDAYs

<but go ahead ‘n slip your messages thru the mail slots on the doors!>

G’day Gents!

We’re CLOSED on this day that was meant for REST! [swg] But, for the Proprietor - well, it’s that day where catching up takes place. And making prep for Monday’s opening! [yeah]

Comments from the Proprietor

REMINDER: Our “off-line net” has been activated. Gentlemen - check your in-baskets! [tup]

Customer Acknowledgments (since my last narrative):

Saturday - August 2nd :</

<Wabash #573 at MoT, Kirkwood, MO - personal foto>

“Our” Place is CLOSED on SUNDAYs

Starting TODAY at the Mentor Village Emporium Theatre!

. . . August 3rd thru 9th: Streets of Larado <1995> Starring: James Garner, Sissy Spacek, Sam Shepard,

<SP #4460 at MoT, Kirkwood, Missouri - Personal foto>

“Our” Place is CLOSED on SUNDAYs

G’day Gents!

Here’s another “labor of love” for our that might brighten up the joint come Monday’s opening time . . . 6 AM <all time zones - don’t ask how we do that!> [swg]

Named Passenger Trains

from the Classic Era - Number Two

Southern Pacific Railroad (SP)

Caveat: This list is for the enjoyment of those frequenting “Our” Place. It is not intended to be all inclusive but rath

Good evening. I see that the Bossman’s had the place to himself and has gotten it all ship shape.Figured I would do my paperwork and make sure that,Pete hasn’t tried to shred his bartab again on spike’s back.Always got to watch that guy

**Eric-**For the record anything above 100 degrees, humid or not is too hot [:O]Loved the pictrues however. I noted that the first steamer still had a huge snowplow attached on what appeared to be a summer day [?] I think that girl on the bike was checking out your butt in the EMU shot.[:I]

Pikes Peak is a nice place to visit. The home my sister and family just left in Colorado Springs had a wonderfull view of Pike’s Peak right from their kitchen window. The cog railway is a neat ride as well.

**Tom-**Couple fine flicks ( on what might be the last playbill here [:-^] )Nice SP steamer in your post this afternoon [tup] Equally good read on the SP as well. I think we’ve all had too much “hard” stuff lately[:-^] Just a ton of name trains on the SP,oh well always good to read about the golden age of passenger trains.

I hear you about the dinner trains, as long as they are not chargeing five star hotel and restaurant prices for microwaved fair and the same old urban scenery it should be a good run,and if it’s a run and trackage you’ve never seen or been on,so much the better. [tup]

Lets see a couple photo’s for fun.

<MoPac #4502 at MoT, Kirkwood____, MO - personal foto>

A smile to begin the week!

Speaking to the press before the 1973 playoffs about Cincinnati____'s “Big Red Machine,” Yogi said, “Tony Perez is a big clog in their machine.”

<A Yogi-ism!>

G’day Gents!

It’s THAT day once more - the beginning of a new work week . Around here, we strive to put a happy face on it by serving the finest in bakery goods, breakfasts ‘n fresh coffee! Are you ready [?]

Today is the 218th birthday of the U.S. Coast Guard, which was founded in 1790 as the Revenue Cutter Service, an arm of the Treasury Department . . . the ONLY armed maritime service the country had between 1790 'n 1798! [bday] 32 years of that history includes Moi! [swg]

Comments from the Proprietor

REMINDER: For the plus one, check your Email at least daily - decision time is approaching!

Good Morning Barkeep and all present; coffee, please; round for the house and $ for the jukebox. Nice day here today although we had a 4.5 hr-long thunderstorm on Saturday a.m.

Happy Birthday, USCG!

Alan - welcome in.

Allan - Good to hear from you. At least there is another N scaler out there.

Nick was by with pictures and comments.

Pete was in with some pictures and information. Scotsman looks way different with smoke lifters. I enjoyed the pictures you sent, particularly the one where the locomotive is getting “cleaned.” The L&N car you mentioned is a hw coach. See my comment to Eric below. Locomotives usually roam today although they do have to receive periodic inspections. Incidentally, PRR steam locomotives had locations stenciled on their pilot beams as well. This practice resurfaced in the days of PC when “bases” were on cab sides. It seemed really strange to see power stenciled for St. Louis, Avon, Harrisburg, etc. at Beacon Park. I was by Beacon Park when visiting the home folks last month and it was full of large CSX-painted GE power; not an EMD unit in sight.

Rob - I feel your pain. As one of my colleagues says, “Computers are great when they work.”

What ho, is that Lars? OMG - it is! Yes, I do have the time and the age - but I am so not ready to hang it up yet! Some fine books from the bookmobile. MP in Nebraska one looks especially interesting. Nice C&O one as well with the picture of the F units along the Ohio River with a coal train - that is truly a speedway between Huntington and Cincinnati.

Fergie has visited as well. An SP locomotive? Why not - it’s your railroad.

Eric - Enjoyed your comments and pictures. I know, 113 degrees of dry heat! That’ll still put you down if you’re not careful. I spent 4 years in the heart of L&N country, so if you h

G’day Gents!

Must have hit the century mark already as it’s hotter 'n the shades of Hades out there while attending to chores that had to be take care of . . .

Appreciate the visit from Shane . . . AND the fone call from Rob! [bow] [tup] Makes for a good Monday when friends are thinking of ya . . . [tup]

Here’s a little something for those who appreciate reading - found in the sub-basement archives . . .

Now Arriving on Track #1

Back in the Day - Number Seven

Wabash Railroad

<Initially Posted on 12 Nov 2007, Page 140 “Our” Place III>

Used with permission from: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Formatting differences made necessary due t

Hi Tom and all.

A toast please RUTH, for the U.S. Coast Guard’s 218th birthday.[bow]

LARS Good to see you in the bar on a Saturday[^][tup] with a great post[bow], wherever we are, the bar is so much better when you are able to call in[yeah]. Not much chance of a hangover for me Monday[sigh], as Pat’s Place doesn’t open on a Sunday[:D].

Many thanks for the great selection for the G of R from the Larsman Mobile[^][tup]. Nice Mk I corridor brake coach in Western Region Chocolate and Cream livery[^], and like the cabooses over here the BR Brake Van is a real rarity nowadays[:(]. Might be wrong, but that looks like a Jones Goods on the cover of the Highland Railway Liveries book, they were the first class of 4-6-0 standard gauge locomotives in the UK.

Thanks for the [bday]wishes.[tup]

GREAT WESTERN Hope the pasty was OK [tup]we have them especially imported from St Ives.[:)]

Thanks for the information on the GWR shed codes on engines.[tup] I did not know the GWR sheds had numbers for admin purposes. That is the great thing about Our Place the amount of new knowledge picked up[^]. It was a sad, when in BR days, the shed codes were changed in the 1960s with the regional boundary changes, I never did get used to Tyseley being 2A instead of my hometown of Rugby.

The locals call Shrewsbury as it is spelt, my friend Alan is from the area[tup]. Like you I used the other pronunciation until being at a Shrewsbury Town football match.[:O]<

G’day Gents!

Got a double dose of Brit speak today with Pete at the bar AND on the fone! [bow] Good seeing you 'n talking with you! [tup]

Wondering 'bout our Manager though, no appearance duirng daylite AND he was HOME! Hmmmmmmm. Perhaps he ran out of time with our fone conversation . . . oh well, he’s always “with us”! [yeah]

Now to something not seen here or at the other iterations of the bar . . .

Now Arriving on Track #1

Six Pack Special Number Twelve

RR advertisements from the Classic Era

Atlantic Coast Line - The Champion

Milwaukee Road - Full Dome

Euro - Switzerland



Well good evening one and all and welcome to the last chance saloon (o.k pal-see you in the car park…)…Now then-apologies to all for absence this week end-unexpected family business–Leon,beer for all please,-lets start with a Guiness and a proper pasty for G.W ALAN-we serve the black stuff in extra tall glasses to allow the head to fully develop and our pasties are hand made in the old miners tradition-3 parts savoury filling to one part sweet (separated by a thin skin of pastry) with the traditional miners knot at the meat end so you can eat it in the dark…Welcome to the fray Sir-Am looking forward to your insights regarding matters G.W-after the blessed S&D J R ,the finest of lines…

O.K-looks like I`ve missed another busy weekend…[:-^]–To be honest,at the moment I am still seeing white lines and headlights in the rearview so is little point in trying to catch up although as a welcome for ALAN I think I might have a G.W.R pic or two to share…

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