Does anyone know why the old UP Yellow/Red cabooses had a big red P on them and what did the P stand for?
Probably to note they are in pooled service. That is, they are not assigned to individual Conductors or crews.
Thanks! I don’t recall having seen the P on anything but UP cabooses. Do you know if any other railroads did so as well?
Some BN/C&S/FW&D cabooses had a P on them. Some RI cabooses were stencilled Pool for pool service.
Yes indeed, the “P” stands for “pool” caboose. These cabooses were not assigned and could move freely throughout and off the UP system. In addition there were a few cabooses with a green “K” in place of the P. These assigned to Kaiser coal unit trains. For more info, check out the book “Cabooses of the Union Pacific Railroad” by Don Strack and Jim Ehernberger.
Some former cabooses have been refitted to transport crews between terminals or to/from trains during bad winter weather conditions. We call them the “blizzard bus.” The one at our terminal received a full repaint, including the red P on ends and sides.