Paint drying time

I have started painting with PollyScale, so much nicer than floquil… But there are some difference… How long do you let the primer color dry before putting on the next color… And how long do you let the next color dry before masking and applying the 3rd color

Thanks folks

I to have started painting with PollyScale paint. I have found letting it dry for 1 day seems to work good before applying a different color. Same thing about painting/ taping for the next color. I have waited a whole day before appling painters tape and applying the 2nd color. What are you using for primer? I have found using auto paint primer out of a can that is plastic compatable works well for me. Grey for light colors and the red primer for dark colors. Hope this helps.

Acrylic paints are dry enough to handle in 10 to 15 mins. You can mask them in about an hour. If you’re adding coats of the same color, (or acrylic primer plus color*) ; about 15 to 20 minutes between coats. You can speed these times up with a hair dryer. Acrylics take about 2 weeks to 30 days (depending on humidity) to cure to full hardness,

I’ve been painting with acrylics for more than 10 years.

  • If using solvent based or rattle can auto type primer, the drying time is whatever it says on the product, usually a couple of hours.