A couple days ago I was surfing the web, looking for track laying stuff. I stumbled across a mailorder source for PCB tie material in 10 or 12 inch lengths for a seemingly ultra low price and I trusted my old mind to remember where it was-----and, once again, my mind has failed me.
Anybody have an idea where I can find this again? I would have been looking for HOn3 code 70.
related to, but not answering your question, I have blank PC board that I though was going to be cheaper to cut into tie strips, but after ruining several X-acto and drywall (utility) knife blades- and not getting very precise strips- anyone have a solution before I go and order some from Cloverhill or Fastracks?
Having built my own PC boards in my younger years I know how much of a pain it can be without the right tools. To make PC ties you should use a fine tooth saw (24 teeth per inch at least) to cut the PC board to the basic shape then a disc sander to refine the final shape. If you have access to a band saw, table top jigsaw and some kind of sander buying bulk PC Board material is fine. But as most do not have access to these tools buying pre-made PC ties would be the best option.
Plus Cloverhouse ties you just use rail nippers to cut them to the proper size. For N scale use products number 260 for the ties and 261 for the throw bar. They come in 12" strips (10 to a pack) already the proper width. A pair of flush cuttters or rail nippers cuts them just fine.