Pennsy switch picker

I need help. My PRR H-9 (Sunset) has problems with most of my Atlas turnouts. The lead truck almost always catches in the frog when the turnout is set for the diverging route. I tried adding a little weight to hold the truck on the track, but it still climbs over the guard rail. Any suggestions?

Have you checked the wheel gauge? Tread depth? You said Atlas switches but you didn’t say which ones #4’s #6’s, Custom Line? Snap Track? What? If it’s climbing the gaurd rail it radius might be too tight for the engine. The pony truck might be hitting some part of the frame which won’t allow it to travel laterally. Give us a little more info please.

It is most likely the check guage, the distance between the head of the rail at the frog and the face of the guardrail. If that is too wide it will allow the flange of a wheel to pass behind the frog. If its a #4 turnout then its likely too sharp. 8 coupled engines like #6 switches much better.

If its a number 6 switch, try cementing a .010 thick piece of plastic (Evergreen) to the face of the guardrail.

An NMRA track guage can be used to check both the wheel guage and check guage.

Dave H.

The switches involved are Atlas Custom Line #6. I have checked wheel gauge as well as track gauge. I think NewHavenguy may be onto something when he mentions the pony truck possibly restricted in motion. I’ll check that asap. Right now I am away from home, at work. Thanks for the suggestions. Anybody else?