“Detail… What?”
Everyone likes to see a nicely-made layout with lots of scenery and interesting detail. And its fun watching a well-modeled locomotive pulling a good-looking string of cars down the track to destinations yonder.
If you had to decide, which would you say is more important to detail… the locomotives? The rolling stock? Some of the locos? Some of the rolling stock (i.e., just “key” cars)?
When you look at trains / railfan-- do you see the locos more or the train as a whole or bits and pieces as it goes by? (I know I’ve asked that specific question before, but I think its relevant again as context.)
So, My Question for Today Is:
– What elements are the most important to detail (or super-detail)? And what elements can you get by with less detail or even practically no detail. I’m asking mainly about trains, but you can answer about scenery or structures or other elements too if you want.
As always, I’m looking forward to your thoughts and comments (pictures too if you got 'em!)