Photo Posting Procedure

There used to be a procedure for posting photos on this forum but I can no longer find it. I have a photo of a train table suspension system I would like to post in reply to an earlier request for ideas. I would sure appreciate some direction.

Thanks, Geohan

Hi. Very briefly as a refresher, get an account at photobucket or similar free webhost. Upload the full-sized image’s URL here with the img tags and square brackets at each end, plus the forward slash in front of the last img letter. Note that photobucket does all that for you if you scroll down through the thumb and right click to save on the ghosted drop-down menu.


Thank you very much. I have the photo in photobucket but I don’t know how to post it into this forum,


Let’s see whether this’ll work—go to the photo you want to post—hover the mouse over that pic—a drop down shows up below pic----get your mouse to the one that says IMG—click that–it’ll go blue—then you right click the blue and it’ll give you a choice—I clicked COPY—then switch to your posting—make sure the prompt is going there—then go to the paste icon on post menu–it’ll prompt you about accessing clipboard (r such) ----click to continue—then click icon for paste and “Voila!” it will show up---- website does not accept pictures. Instead, you have to upload your picture to somewhere else on the web and then give a “link” or a pointer to the web location that holds your picture. I upload my pix to Photobucket, it’s free. Once you have your pix on Photobucket hover the mouse over the picture you want, and a table of four different “codes” (Email & IM, Direct Link, HTML, and IMG) will pop up; works on the “IMG” code. The other codes work on other websites. Just cut and paste the IMG code from Photobucket into your post on

By the way, Kodak Easyshare website will not work unless you pay them money for advanced privileges. I tried it 'cause I had a Kodak camera, but I switched to Photobucket after wasting a good deal of time finding out that Kodak wanted money for the privilege of posting pix to other websites.

Barry, what I do is simply open a new tab, find my image at my host site, copy it, and then close the tab. I should be back on this page, and I merely place my cursor in the text box, right click, and do a paste. The image will appear as soon as I click on “post”.


You know, this question gets asked often enough that I wonder why there cannot be one of those pinned things at the top of the page.

Now that procedure sounds simple enough for me but what is a “tab” and how is it opened?


It looks like a stack of file folders, paper ones, with a light blue tab just above the in black. I am using IE8, so your view may vary? But the first tab for me, at left above “” has the internet explorer symbol follwed by “ - Model Railroader - Online Community”. Immediately to the right of that tab is a “hidden” partial tab…the right corner of a tab. Click on that and a new tab will open. This one won’t go away, just be receded in depth from view. Go to your “favorites”, find your photobucket and do all the right selecting stuff, and then go back the the tab at top, and click on the red X to close it…presto, you are back here and you can just place the cursor in your text box, right click, and then paste it. Post, and your image will appear.


If you are using Firefox, go to: File/New Tab. Click and you will have a new tab. Most all browsers support tabs so you just have to look around a bit to find where it is. I am using a Mac, BTW, but it is basically the same on a PC.

Thank you Crandell and the others also. I followed your procedure and was pleasently surprised when the picture appeared. Maybe I should have tried to add the picture to the text rather than vice versa. Oh well.
