Odd, but I can’t seem to find a picture of the kind of wheelstop I saw most often on stubb ends in the prairie towns in Alberta. It is a permanent steel yellow-painted curved stop about three feet high. One on each track…not a bumper as such.
For some reason I can’t come up with a photo using any search terms.
I would be grateful for anyone with a link to a photo, or better still a link to a detail retailer who sells something like this.
Thanks. Can’t quite find the exact ones (used on the Canadian prairie lines anyway). This one is close but not exact. I don’t believe the ones I recall had so many or so obvious bolt pattern.
This is the exact one…from an old Toronto terminal…but should be painted yellow. In any case does anyone know of a detail supplier with these…or any tips on a bit of plastic with the right curve that could be adapted?
I think I might go with crossed ties and pile of ballast for my service track ends.
They sell direct within North America and through many retailers. The wheelstops seem to be a CN prototype and are made of laser-cut micro-plywood that you assemble. I added a couple to a layout. You have to file the head of the rail thinner so they fit properly, but they look good and work well too.