?Post accident RR related videos on youtube?

Anyone easily traumatized or experienced something really traumatizing, you might want to back out of this thread.

O.K. this gets a little graphic. I was wandering youtube last night looking at train videos. As you know different videos come up on the side of the screen when you finish watching a video. I couldn’t believe what I saw, one picture from after a person was killed by a train. I won’t describe the picture but it was traumatizing for me to see as I’m sure it would be to 99.999999% of the population. Does youtube actually let this horrific type of stuff stay up on their site or can they be flagged and removed? Of course I didn’t click on and watch the video. I hope I’m not breaking a rule here on trains.com bringing this up. But for the life of me I can’t think of what would be in a persons mind to post anything like that for anyone to see.

I have no idea what You-Tube’s policy is, but if they have an option to “Report Abuse” like this forum does, maybe you could file a complaint about that particular video so they can review it and determine whether it should be deleted.

IMHO viewing of videos like that(TrainGirl) should be mandatory for everyone from grade school on up to people renewing there licenses. Traumatized? REALLY? That is the problem with society today, you are too sheltered from reality. It needs to be driven into peoples heads, if you do stupid things around trains or drive like fool, fate does not care about others being traumatized.

High school students should be shown the most graphic, gruesome, and gory pictures and videos that demonstrate REAL consequences of there actions.

But no…can`t do that, people like yourself are more worried about feelings than preventing tragic accidents.

About 6 years before I was in drivers ed, a recently graduated student was killed when he ignored the gates at a crossing less than a mile from his home. With permission from the family, pictures of

I agree.

Back in the early 80s, I saw my first Operation Lifesaver video Paths of Thunder. The first crash where a family gets boxed in on the crossing I remember being quite graphic with showing the car getting hit and pushed down the tracks and then showing “blood” on the inside of the smashed car afterwards.

There was a remake of the video called Paths of Thunder II in the early 90s. In the first crash, a mom and her two kids get boxed in on the tracks. Rather than showing the crash, the video fades to black with the sound of a crash in the background. The only crash that was even in the video was a car of teenagers going around a crossing gate after a train passes only to get T-boned by a train on the second track. However, they over did it, in my opinion with the pyrotechnics as the car instantly exploded in a huge fireball as it was hit and shoved down the tracks.


Anyone force you to watch it, Boyd? You live in a dream world, where a video you did not see is causing you distress. Snap out of it! These things happen. Pretending that they don’t is a major cause of them happening. You should be forced to watch," A Clockwok Orange" style. You might learn something.

As gruesome as the unedited version is - that is the one that needs to be shown at OLS and other educational settings. The unedited version leaves no doubt about any possible outcome, and the reality is that if the scenario happens 1000 more times - that outcome will not change. Somehow that gruesome reality has to be driven home to those attending such educational meetings - if a viewer ‘loses their cookies’ upon viewing it - maybe, just maybe, they will remember it when they are faced with a similar situation.

Death by railroad is a gruesome death and needs to be viewed as such. While we may think we live in a ‘kinder, gentler’ world - death on the railroad is neither kind or gentle - it is bloody and gruesome.

The front picture for the video was very graphic. I was 4 or 5 years old when we went to a guys house for a meeting with him. He didn’t answer the door. Instead my parents found him dead in the garage from a suicide. I have experienced some other traumatic events in my life that I will not get into. A close friend of my dads had his son completely pulled into a corn chopper and killed. 4 years ago my dad got his foot pulled into a corn chopper and he was lucky to only loose half of his foot and not get completely pulled in himself. I have heard graphic stories from other farm accidents. I heard a detailed graphic story from a co-worker who witnessed a drug murder in Minneapolis in 1995. I have had a total of 10 years of therapy. I was a complete emotional basket case in the mid 90s. I grew up on a farm and have done a lot of train watching. I know how dangerous large machines can be. I’m 45 years old now.

Trust me I don’t need anymore traumatic experiences in my life or to see any gory videos.

Then be smart and don`t watch those videos. These things should not be censored just to protect feelings. Do you know what the average German and Japanese school children are taught about the war these days?

I was a factory worker years ago and I witnessed some rather gory incidents that absolutely reinforced the already existing safety rules. The most memorable to me at the moment was a man who was cleaning a LoWN roller. He made several mistakes that were against the rules but still commonly practiced.

  1. He disabled the safety trip wire

  2. He failed to LOTO the machine when required

  3. He ran the rollers “forward”, instead of backwards.

Long story short this guy got his hand then arm slowly dragged into the machine, absolutely crushing every bone upto and including his elbow. With no other option available he kicked the reverse pedal and it ripped most of the skin off of his arm and recrushed all of the bones until the machine spit him back out… I had never seen blood pour out of somebody like that. Needless to say no new rules were required, everyone figured it out.

few other examples:

I saw a guy get his foot ran over by 50 series 3 speed Hyster forklift. His toes were fine, unfortunately they were no longer connected to his feet.

Welders in an underground and improperly ventilated area, enough said.

When manually changing out tooling on a CNC punch press, make sure it is not in “auto lock automatic mode”. Put your finger in wrong place that machine wont let it go.

Young relatively new employee was learning to use a hoseless nail gun as part of his job. He pushed down on the safety pressure switch on the business end of the tool and nailed his dick to his leg. Ouch.


I never watched those videos. I just ran into its title and main picture by accident. Just as child porn is illegal in the US I think pictures or video of a mangled up body should be banned to. What a rough bunch several of the people are who have replied to my thread.

Never served this country, did you. Stay in you foxhole. Cover up. Reality is reality. Life is life. In other words, get a grip. Cold but the truth.

Rough - because it is something that we have had occasion to experience in our work-a-day world. It isn’t something that is sought out, it is something that happens. When it happens it is gore, gruesome and vile - but, unfortunately it is real. Shielding the ‘impressionable’ from the gruesome reality leads them to believe in the ‘romance of death’. Violent death is not romantic.

Real railroading is a tough hard business and death is just one erroneous move away from all who come in contact with it.

BaltACD had the best post in this thread. While I have never been a rail, your statements can be attributed to many fields of work and even our daily lives. People are killed every single day by very minor actions. I find that people that have witnessed something horrific tend to be more respectful of there equipment and safer employees in general. Same thing could be said about firearms training…As my grandfather used to say
“we don`t need to ban guns in Chicago, we need to teach these gang bangers how to shoot”. He was an illegal immigrant and was awarded his citizenship on a hill in a combat zone during the Korean war. What a guy.

Well then why don’t some of you copy that videos picture of a decapitated woman, blow up the picture and put it on the back of your vehicle for all of the adults and children to see as you drive around town. I wonder how that would go with your local police.

Here is an actual video taken this week of a man (ETOH?) on a subway track. People are trying to pull him up to the platform (one even pulls off his shirt). He got away from them and put his head on the third rail.


[Sorry, they removed it… again… ]

People stood on the platform watching, and recording the incident, people can be heard to exclaim why doesn’t somebody go down to help him. {Yeah… Right…}

Well here is the cleaned-up version, which is still pretty bad.

[You do NOT have to look at it if you do not want to.}



Without going into gory details, every Friday night in the summer I go to a dirt Stock Car track in a rural area.

The track has been operating since 1965. In all of those years, there’s only been 1 fatal accident at the track.

But over the years FIVE racers or ex-racers have died in farm accidents.