The recent thread about sidings and spurs gave me the idea for a new topic:
If your layout is set up for DCC, what do you use for your programming track? Electrically isolated from the railroad, I chose to model an abandoned spur.
The weeds were done with a static grass applicator. If you can, submit a photo of your programming track.
“Shovel all the coal in, gotta keep 'em rolling.” John
My program track is on layout, a 2’ or so throat between the mainline and engine facility. I’m iut of town so can’t post a photo. It’s not yet scenic’d.
A big part of on layout program tracks is wiring. I have an NCE Powerhouse Pro and the P.T. is wired via a DPDT to swithch between normal output and P.T. This can be a risky setup as one will eventually leave the DPDT in P.T. position and then run a loco from the main tracks onto it. That creates a short from the main output back inro the P.T. output which I understand can fry it. Not likely with the NCE I understand but depends on who you ask. Check out the P.T. topic on for insight.
On the drawing, I have A, “the Team Track”, fixed so that I can switch it to a Programing Track. Then I can switch it back. I have had no problem with this set up.
This circuit allows you to switch a portion of your main for programming, and has “safety zones” on either side of the programming section so locomotives won’t accidentally enter the program section while programming.
Dave’s diagram with the safety zones is the best setup for an on layout programming track. If you think you will not need this because you are going to be careful - Bzzzt - You will get caught. If you are using NCE, it is generally an pgm track or main when you switch. Most Digitrax systems allow you to program and run trains at the same time - Be Careful!
John, I use my test track. Last fall I picked up a used MRC Tech 6 for that purpose. Since my ISL is a one horse operation I used to program on the layout but,I was never to keen with that idea since there was always the possibilty that I would forget to remove the engine on the layout.