Project Phoenix

PNQ has begun a new secret development project called Phoenix.All the trains in this porject are high speed tilt trains using a new power system called InfernoDrive. The first train is called Infernus. Infernus is an early development with a prototype InfernoDrive and has the ability to reach 400kmp/h. Another train is currently beingconstrcted and is called the Phoenix. It will use a different type of InfernoDrive called InfernoBird. InfernoDrive uses a pair of turbines to generate a pulling/pushing vortex of extrmely hot air fed by a pair of intakes like a harriers with the small rectangular holes on the side. The Infernus and Phoenix and later the Infernox will run on specially designed tracks that resemble a roller coaster and will have the same type of bogey as a roller coaster. Large magnets like the ones used to accelerate the Superman ride on the Gold Coast in Aus will be used to help start and stop the train on arrival and departure. The trains are rebuilt Super Royal Canastas with more slanted noses and only 6 cars instead of 10. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.