Proto 1000 RDC

purchased a proto 1000 RDC and installed a TCS DP2X two function decoder. dead locomotive. Do my usual and go to you tube and all I see is old videos about using a wiring harness and a pcb board with x in various spots to break the proper traces on the board identified as 2000.05.26 in the pictures with seven locations to install hard wires not 8 pins. I have a different board labeled 450-pcb02 with an 8 pin socket and no xs anywhere and no idea what to do. Anybody know of a decoder schematic for an rdc with this board? if not i will probably have to go the wiring harness route if anyone has done this. thanks

Did you test run it first on DC? Can you read the decoder on the program track?


Yes even with the decoder installed it runs on dc. Does not read the decoder. Basically it has no idea the decoder is installed. Sent Walthers a note asking for the right board. Doubt if I will hear anything.

Yes even with the decoder installed it runs on dc. Does not read the decoder. Basically it has no idea the decoder is installed. Sent Walthers a note asking for the other board. Doubt if I will hear anything.

I believe the original Life-Like Proto RDC had the board where you had to cut at the X’s and such. I believe after Walthers bought the line they changed the lightboard, don’t know if they would even have any of the old 1990’s LL boards in stock.

Just to eliminate all the possible problems, maybe try installing the decoder in a different engine and see if you system can read the CVs. If not, it could be an issue with the decoder.

If it’s a decoder you’ve had in another engine anyway, maybe make sure what the ID is. Maybe put the RDC on the programming track and try changing the ID (even if it isn’t reading back; I’ve had decoders where my DCC system won’t read the decoder info but I can still program CVs) and then see if it works.

I own three of these and like you, installed non-sound decoders. I ended up disconnecting the wires going to the board, and wired my decoder directly to the wires (motor and red/black). I also installed LED lights, again, wiring directly from the decoder. I left the board in there, leaving a place for the decoder and wires to “sit” on. Nothing fancy, but it works.


Turns out it was a bad decoder from TCS. Tried a different decoder and it worked. Put the bad one back in and did a factory reset. Still dead. Very cheap decoder. Not worth hassling to return it. Will just replace it. On to the next learning curve.

Glad you got it sorted out.
