Ok just got 2 new rs11 off ebay. One runs awesome, other started off awesome and has developed a squeal in one of its wheelsets. Any idea what would cause it. Squeals in one direction at first then goes to both directions. Starts at speed step 8-11 on 28 speed step nce decoder. If i press on the wheel while running the squeal goes away.
Might be a bad axle bearing. Try switching the bearings or wheelsets around and see if the squeal transfers to the new location.
The defective bearings that plague Athearn-clone Proto mechanisms usually cause squealing in the universal joints.* I’m not sure if the RS11 is one of those, but if so the noise can be cured by substituting Athearn bearings. Lubrication can temporarily quiet the problem, but isn’t a long term solution, especially for a surface that should be conducting electricity like a metal axle.
EDIT Sounds like it’s coming from around that part of the drive, but actually is fromwither the worm shaft bearings or the motor. Typing too late at night I guess.
I would suggest, taking the shell off and with, Labelle #107 Medium Multi Purpose Plastic compatible oil and put a couple of drops on each side of the motor shaft bushings, (bearings) turning the motor by hand with your fingers both ways when you apply the oil. Then take the bottom gear covers off the trucks, you should be able to see the end bronze bushings for the axle, put a drop of oil at each axle end. while the covers are off, with Labelle #106 Plastic compatible Lubricating Grease with PTFE, put a line of it on each axle gear. You didn’t mention any thumping sound so hopefully, you don’t have any cracked axle gears. A reference for the Lubricates are here:
Rob and Frank have good advice. All I can add is that usually a squeal is coming from the motor and or drive shaft before the gear reduction.
I have quite a few earlier LL Proto 2000 engines and at one time or another it seems that the squeal shows up. Sometimes it seems like it may be caused by a harmonic imbalance (caused by the flywheels maybe?) because the sound is not continuous but comes and goes depending on speed and load. Usually the lubing will quiet things down but not always.
I can’t offer any help on balancing flywheels but I will add that it takes a pretty fine applicator to get oil to the motor shaft between the flywheels and the motor face. A drop of oil on a needle eye works here.
I had an E-8 that had the plastic drive shaft fit so loosely into the U-joint socket that the thing wobbled all over.
I wrapped about four turns of plumber’s teflon tape around the shaft and that took up the play and allowed for some slip as well.
Yep! 9 times out of 10, that squeal, whine, is the motor shaft bushings. It is a little hard to get at, but it can be done. They are usually shipped dry and should have a felt washer at each end. Same as a thrust bearing on a crankshaft on a auto,truck engine.
Ok thanks for the replys guys. I have oiled the motor bearings and the bearings going to the trucks. I put lube on the gears and put oil on the wheel bearings. i did all that yesterday after i put the new decoder in it because i saw some hard lube in somewhere and cleaned it out and relubed. I am going to bet it is a bad wheel bearing. When i get home next week i am going to replace the suspectbearing with some bearings from an athearn dummy engine i have and let you know if that worked.