To start I have an Athearn R-T-R G35 loco that is DCC ready with built in NMRA 9-pin quick plug, and a Walthers P2K GP18 that has been converted with a hard wired decoder and a headlight kit front and rear from IIRC Miniatronics. Both loco’s use a Digitrax DH123D and I’m wondering how to program the decoders for independant headlight control. I don’t care for the reversing headlights, it reminds me of all my N scale DC loco’s and I’m not too fond of DC control now.
I have had some help from the fellow members of the model railroad club I belong to with programming road number, V-Start, etc., but with tax time I plan to acquire a Zephyr or Zephyr plus starter set so any help will prefferable be directed with these two systems in mind. My LHS fully suports Digitrax and with the new Zephyr Plus systems coming out I’m hoping I will be able to get an older Zephyr unit at reduced cost. I run N scale at home but the MRRClub runs HO so I do dable in both.