I have an HO Brunswick Green PRR GG-1 & am contemplating building up a passenger train consistent with that Electric engine era.
What sources [on & of line] are there that could help me research the appropriate car liveries & which manufacturers produce passenger cars that ‘go with’ the PRR GG-1?
Pretty much any accurate PRR or PC cars would go behind a GG-1 (except maybe dome cars). The most common consist would be a G and a string of 8-12 P70 coaches. The PRR ran dozens of those trains every day out for decades
Some New Haven lightweight coaches would also be accurate…both the American Flyer cars being released by Rapido next year…and the Stainless Cars which are being developed by River Point Station.
In fact, if you look at pics of the wrecked GG1 in Washington Union Station, you’ll see NH SS cars all over the place. The NH and PRR ran a number of through trains with both NH equipment on PRR and PRR equipment on NH.
Also, any of the Branchline heavyweight sleepers would easy go behind the GG1 as well. Doesn’t have to be a “night train”, sleepers were run as day cars too. Pullman pool scheme, NH, PRR, you could find excuses to run other roads too as many cars were pooled and ran up and down the east coast.
In addition the Seaboard and ACL trains that originated in NYC (AFAIK the Silver Meteor and Champrion) were pool cars of PRR & Seaboard and PRR & ACL and went from NYC to Miami.
Also the GG1’s hauled the Congressional which were Bud Stainless cars painted in what was known as the Congo Scheme.
Depends what type of PRR train you want to model. There were GG1 hauled commuter trains and “clockers” that ran every hour between New York and Washington DC in both directions. Most of them were P70 coachs available from Bachman with four wheel trucks. If you want to model a name train or long distance train I suggest you go to Keystone crossings web site and look up the make up of trains information that will tell you what type cars were on every train for a given era. Then go to the section that tells you what passenger cars out there are pure PRR prototypes. Walthers, Bachman, Branchline and several others make appropriate cars.
From what I understand (and I could be wrong), the Brusnwick Green versions were to be used for freight operations. The Tuscan Red GG-1s were assigned to passenger operations.
That said, I have no probem running my N-Scale Kato GG-1 in Brunswick Green with my Kato Tuscan Red Broadway Limited cars.
Actually, Brunswick Green was the predominant color for the GG1’s. I believe that only 6 or 8 of them were repainted to Tuscan Red to haul the new “Congressional” trainsets in 1952. I watched a lot of trains on the Northeast Corridor(at Elizabeth & Philly) and the Main Line(at Paoli) and only recall seeing one Tuscan Red GG1 at Philly’s 30th Street Station hauling the “Silver Meteor” southbound in 1963.
Only five were ever painted Tuscan and of the five only 4907 was painted in the single stripe paint scheme of the mid 50’s while tuscan. Originally two were painted silver for the Congo and Senator trains but the grease and dirt from the pantographs made that scheme impractical and resulted in the tuscan scheme. The two silver ones were relegated to hauling the silver meteor and silver comet to the best of my knowledge but were quickly repainted green and pictures are hard to come by. A number of special schemes had been done over the years that were one of a kind including the American Railroads version of the late 60’s. The bicentenial version available is wrong since 4800 was the engine done by CR. 4800 is the original G and had a riveted body and a much different pilot as well as external differences in the number boards and external wiring on the roof. All the GG1 engines with the drop coupler are from the second order and to be correct should either be numbered from 4857 - 4938 or have the drop coupler pocket cut off and replaced with a straight pilot around the coupler. This is easily accomplished with styrene.
During the Penn Central era, just about anything could have been hauled behind a GG1–former red PRR cars, any of the NH ones, NYC cars still in grey… plus the cars that PC had repainted green, or even the stainless cars from all 3 roads. Also, didn’t one GG1 get repainted in 1980 or so…and haul Amtrak cars for a bit?