[quote user=“feltonhill”]
No, there aren’t any sites that pull all of the T1 history together However, the basic parts of “the book” have already been written and published in the PRRT&HS magazine, The Keystone (and others). Here’s a list of articles, similar to what I posted over a year ago at the beginning of this thread, but limited to The Keystone for brevity:
Burnell, Neil. “An Appreciation of the T1 - The Enginemen’s Perspective,” The Keystone (Autumn 2001, pp 19-59)
Burnell, Neil. “The ‘Slippery’ T1,” The Keystone (Winter 2001, pp57-62)
Burnell, Neil. “A Reassessment of T1 6110 and 6111", The Keystone, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp18-39
Burnell, Neil. “The Case for the T1a 5547.” The Keystone, Vol.39, No. 3, pp40-52
Burnell, Neil. “Dispelling the Myths,”, The Keystone, Vol.41, No. 1, pp15-55
Slee, David E., and Neil Burnell. “Some Thoughts on Pennsy Passenger Steam Power,” The Keystone, Vol .41, No.4, pp22-36
Stephenson, David R. “PRR T1 Tests on C&O and N&W” The Keystone, Summer 2009, Vol.42, #2 , pp35-66
Most of Burnell’s articles contin lenngthy comments from T1 crewmembers. All of these back issues of The Keystone can be purchased from the PRR Technical and Historical Society. See their website. The cost is about the same as a hard-cover book, around $60. I just sent this entire group to someone in Europe so I know they’re available. There are more articles than this in other publications (C&O History, published by C&O Historical Society; The Arrow, published by N&W Historical Society; and Milepost, published by Friends of the RR Museum of PA) but they are harder to find and back issues are not always available. This is the major and minimum list that I’d recommend if you want the complete picture reflecting the most thorough resear