Question about couplers

So far I only have my LGB 2063 switcher and a 4061 LGB gondola. The switcher came with knuckle couplers installed (hook and loop on the side) so I ordered a pair of bachmann couplers for the gondola assuming theyd be compatable… I was wrong. The bachmann ones sat lower than the LGB. I contacted and they assured me the LGB brand couplers installed on the gondola would be level with the engine’s.

With that lesson learned, I was curious about how different brand cars work with the LGB knuckle couplers. Like if I put LGB couplers on a Piko caboose and a USA Trains boxcar would they all be level or should I stick with hook and loop when mixing brands?



Sorry, John, I use LGB hook-and-loop throughout due to the cost of conversion I’m not able to help you with this one! Eric

Couplers: it’s a little bit of insanity…

Let me see if I can break this down:

Bachmann knuckles( my default couplers) are nearly identical to Aristo’s Delton Classics 100 percent compatible.

LGB knuckles sit higher up, and will couple to standard gauge Aristocraft cars( not automatically, however)

LGB knuckles will couple to Bachmann knuckles if at the same height.

Bachmann’s 1:20.3 narrow gauge cars come with 2 sets of knuckles, one for higher mounting, one offset to mate with the lower cars.

Bachmann and Delton knuckles will mate with USA Trains knuckles( but not automatically)

So, you have some choices, mostly personal taste.

I am using Bachmann knuckles as default, but my Euro stuff will have only hook and loop.

My 2063 also came with LGB knuckles,I use them on one end of a car to mate with Aristocraft.

forgot to mention Kadee’s…

So, experiment, find what you like.


Eric, cost is definitely making me consider the hook and loop for now as well. Also, I’ve seen people say the hook and loop are more relaible on uneven track. Thanks for all the info on different brands paul… sounds like it can be a challenge mixing and matching. With all that in mind I may just stick with the hook and loop for now.


excellent idea to start with hook and loop, they are easy to swap out, and you can do this anytime.

I forgot to mention the Accucraft couplers on their narrow gauge cars:

they couple to Bachmann’s 1:20.3 line of freight cars which have 2 sets of very nice die cast knuckles. I use 1 Bachmann 1:20 idler car with the high mounted coupler to mate with Accucraft, the other end of the car has the low mounted die cast knuckle. It couples to the Shay, and everything else.

You have time to experiment and see what works best for you.



One other thought…If you plan to have kids help you run the trains, hook-and-loop are very easy for them to operate.


P.S. Can you tell from the rapidity of the input that I am under a stay-at-home order?

Paul, I think I like the idea of one coupler type for all the rolling stock so I can easily switch cars around. Maybe I’ll try the add all LGB rolling stock until I decide for good.

Eric, Hope everything is ok being on lockdown. As far as kids go… none yet but there may be some on the way soon, so thats good to know.


John, the compatibility of g scale couples is about as bad as HO scale, Bachmann and Aristocraft are the same but past that all bets are off, it seems as though the loop couplers mate up well and haven’t experienced any problem with them but they are not very realistic looking and just about all cars are supplied with them as standard or extras. While it is an expense I would recommend converting all your cars to Kadee. This is something that can be done over time by having a conversion car with loop on 1 end and Kadee on the other and cost about $9.00 per car and it is a coupler that comes in a lot of different forms including body mount and works great withh switching cars around. Bill

Thanks bill. Remember those kadees from my HO days as a kid. 9 per car is also cheaper than the 13 for LGB.
