Question about the MRC Control Master II

I received this power pack used along with numerous other used HO train items a couple of years ago for a birthday gift. Being second-hand, no instructions were wth it, but I already know the main functions of the unit (brake, momentum, etc.). The puzzler for me is the electricak hookups on the back panel. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m guessing the Variable DC is for running the trains and the 16v AC would be for powering lighting and other operating accessories. So, what would the12v straight DC be used for? TIA for any info.

Hi. Though I’m not familiar with that particular powerpack, I use 16v AC to power my homebrew CD unit that runs my 2-coil switch magnets, and you are right about the variable DC for use powering the track. That leaves the straight 12v DC to run electronic stuff that cannot handle AC power.

In use, watch your current draw. Without getting into discussions of AC theory, for our purposes a Watt can be considered the same as a Volt-Ampere (VA) - or voltage X current. There should be a manufacturer’s label that tells what the total allowable draw is; try to keep below about 85% of that. If the supply gets hot, you need a bigger one to do the job without frying it.

Have fun, George

The fixed DC output was for connecting one of MRC’s handheld cabs. There were at least two, one fairly basic, speed knob and direction, the other had a multi-position brake and momentum. These hooked to the fixed DC and gave you a second cab for 2-cab control. You could use long wires on the small cab for walkaround (although tethered) operation.


– Randy,

Thanks for the info; I wasn’t aware of that. The 2nd throttle, did it feed a second track directly or was there only 1 track controlled by the pair of throttles? I suspect the former.

Learned something new here! Thanks again G

Thanks again for the responses. I learned quite a bit from this thread. Happy railroadig.