Questions keep getting stranger

Is there a way to convert the Bachmann HO’s to O scale since they are O scale but designed to run on HO? Just thought I’d ask, as they look like pretty darn nice machines. Jake

No, there is no way to convert them to use O-gauge track, and they are DC- powered. The reason they run on HO track, but are O-scale, is because they are narrow-gauge, if these are the items you are referring to.

They could be incorporated into an O-gauge layout very easily though. A loop of HO (narrow gauge to us O gauger’s1) could easily be added to an existing layout for mining or logging operations in a mountainous environment. Those narrow gauge trains usually had to transfer to standard gauge somewhere along their route, in the real world, anyway.

Hope this answers question.

I had plans to do just that buy have never figured out how to work it into my present layout without a major rebuild. They now have On30 stuff with DCC and Sound, and some really nice looking items.

So…new track, transformer and log cars? They aren’t real expensive, and my layout is logging, as that’s what I do for a living now, and Cass Scenic Railroad in Cass, WV is a favorite area of mine for hunting as well as fly fishing. I’ve been on the Cass railroad many times, and have spent many nights in a tent in the old logging town of Spruce, WV which a person can Google and get some good info on, Thanks, Jake

Cass is a wonderful railroad. I visited once. Going back when I can afford another road trip. You could do like I’m doing. 3 rail main line, On30 spurs in the middle.


By the way, you can check out this site for On30 logging stuff:

lots of great info. No 3 rail though.


You don’t even have to lay new track, since h0 is half the size of 0. the logging train will run on one of the outside rails and the middle rail. Use DC though to power it up. And you’ll find yourself in trouble when arriving at a switch…

But it actually works to run a h0 train on 0 track!

So a feller could actually run these Bachmann Shay’s on two rails of the O scale rails??? Most bizzare, actually most bizarre!!! But this will work? Jake

HO doesnt really run on 3 rail track. The flanges on On30 are similiar to HO and dont track well using half of 3 rail O. You may get an engine to run a few feet on a straight section of track but thats about it. On30 is made for HO width track.

The O that HO is half of uses 33-millimeter track, whereas ours is 31.75 millimeters. And, when you use 2 of our rails, you have to knock off another 1.5 millimeter or so for the width of the railhead. Nevertheless, Daan is right. The HO flanges actually run high up on the circular cylinder of the way-too-large O-gauge railhead, not down where the gauge is really too narrow for them. They’ll go around curves too.

You can convert them but you’ll spend a lot of time and money doing it. Much more than the initial cost of the engine. Considering the time and expense, You’re better off spending $1000 on a brass import. The frames would have to be rebuilt, the wheels reset on longer axels, sectioned and widened cylinders just to name a few things. Then you gotta rework all the plumbing and accessorrys to connect to the widened frame. The DC motor is fine. DC motors are what Lionel and MTH uses and the AC is rectified in the reverse unit. You could try fitting it on an O gauge power frame. Either way, you end up with some goofy looking contraption and flushed a lot of money down the toilet.

Wow! Gonna go after a regular 0 scale deal! Thanks, Jake

Makes me wish I had one of the Bachman Shays, just to see if it may work on Gargraves track. I think it may work better on Gargraves, or what about Fsatrak ? Then you could say you have dual gauge !!

Thanks, John

I’m going to buy something darn it, I don’t care what it is now! Jake

You can handlay dual gauge track, an option I have experimented with but not yet perfected.

It might even be possible to modify tubular track to handle HO. I fantasize that you could displace the center rail (by bending the rail web) about .075 inch to the left, then solder a .04 inch brass wire on the upper-right corner of the center railhead and one on the upper-left corner of the right outside railhead, so that both wires are flush with the top and with the inside edge of the railhead. The more squared-off railhead corners that result wouldn’t hamper O and might be small enough to keep the HO reliably on the track. Anyone want to try this?

That’s an idea, Bob, but I need too many linear feet for that! [:)]