Railfanning Suggestions in Pittsburgh/West Virginia Area?

Hi all - have to be in Pittsburgh/West Virginia area on business after Memorial Day and was looking for any suggestions for good railfanning locations in the general area to check out the following weekend. Appreciate any and all input! Art

Art, I live about 35 miles SE of Pittsburgh, close to Connellsville. Fair amount of viewing in a 20 mile area. As for Pittsburgh, Rte 65 is on one side of the Ohio River (Leetsdale-Conway Yard) which is now NS, and Rte 51 on the other side of the river -CSX, W&LE, Pittsburgh and Youghiogheny. It’s been 10 years or so since I’ve worked that area, so it may have changed significantly. There’ll be lots of traffic on the two main lines. Duquesne has a rail yard for the big U (Union RR) with fair amount of traffic. Since the demise of the steel mills, the RR’ing has been slow for the short lines. North of Pgh, is Butler (Rte 8) and that has/had the B&LE, and CSX (old Buffalo, Rochester, and Pittsburgh) that is close together (side by side). Again it’s been a few years since I was in the area. I believe there is a car shop there also. Hope this gets you something to go on, maybe someone else that is closer can help you out a little better. Ten things Pa. has is mega miles of roads that will lead to many viewing areas. Sorry to inform you that most of the highways are always under some sort of construction/repair. Be prepared for the orange cones and barrels.

Hi squeeze and thanks for the info! Haven’t been to Leetsdale since CR days, but it was certainly a good spot back then. How is W&LE towards fans? Is there much in Wheeling these days? Appreciate whatever you can share! Art

W&LE does not run a lot in the area. Best bet for action would be Rook Yard (Greentree area) as most all action tends to either start or end there. I don’t know much about the Wheeling area for rail activities. I have hunted for some type of activities guide for the W&LE on their web site, to no avail. They tie into the SWP at Owensdale to get to their running rights on the CSX at Connellsville. You appear to know the area so I may not be of much more help. East of Pgh. (Greensburg) has some fair action (NS). Along most all the rivers in the Burbs will get you close to most all of the action. Ohio, Allegheny, Monongahela, Beaver, and Youghiogheny are the major rivers in play. Hope you have an enjoyable time in the Burgh. It’s a hockey time of year here now, all the hype is on the Stanley Cup.

I was last in the Wheeling area about five years ago.

I am from the Ohio side of the valley and was surprised by the lack of activity compared to 30 years ago.Spend your time in the Pittsburgh area.

Thanks for the suggestion. Went by Mingo Junction last Friday and was amazed at how quiet it was, compared to what I’d seen in CR days. Art