Railfanning suggestions -- Syracuse, NY

When I drive up to Syracuse to watch and shoot CSX once or twice a year, I normally park myself in a parking lot behind the Aldi’s that occupies part of the location of the old Amtrak station. However, I’m interested in going somewhere else in the greater Syracuse area (Rome/Utica to the east, Lyons to the west) where there are better vantage points and backgrounds. Does anyone have suggestions, including how to get to there and best times to go there? Thanks for your suggestions.

The site of the old Amtrak Station in East Syracuse in next to Aldiies grocery and behind Vitos Restaurane is where the railfans hang out. The new Amtrak Station in the Farmers market district is not railfan freindly.

That’s where I ended up going. I already knew the area around the Amtrak isn’t good, but was hoping for other, more photogenic spots. Thanks for your help.

I can’t recommend any railfan spots but I highly recommend the Dinosaur Bar-B-Que in downtown Syracuse. Also the Blue Tusk in Armory Square- over 300 kinds of beer on tap!

I would suggest an hour drive East to Utica. You will find alot of activitiy and diversity around Amtrak ( formerly, Utica central station ). The station is nicely restored, host all of Amtrak’s empire service’s trains and the Lake Shore Limited

The station is also the home of the Adirondack Senic railroad. Their is a morning departure that feature heritagd equipment. The ADS operates two F units, MLW 420 and other heritage units that are some times hanging near the station.

Just east of the station is the Mohawk, Adirondack and Northern yard and shop. They are the short line that operates the remants of the NYC Adirondack division. They operate Alco 425, Rebuilt RS 1 and some MLW units as well.

CSX rumbles thur the station all day long.

So if u have the time, u might want to head thier.
