Recommended eBay Lionel Post War O Gauge sellers?

Would you guys mind giving me some eBay names of sellers you’ve dealt with and highly recommend? It sure would be helpful.



Train Z is good. I don’t bid on stuff based on who sells , I bid on what is a good/great deal that I want and the seller has a good history. I have over 400 pos feedback with probably half as a buyer and the only bad experience I had was when I broke my rule and bid on something before I realized that the guy had 6 neg and about 15 neutral feedback. The stuff I bought (live steam machined parts) was junk although my inexperience played a part in the procedings. anyway, when that happens, live and learn.

One personal rule that I go by is that I always expect to have to clean/rewire/ fix any “old” lionel engines or accesories I buy off ebay. Frankly, it helps to be knowledgable and able to recognize minute details in crappy pictures. I got my 2347 C&O geep that way, in a lot with track switches cars and 4 other engines (including a prewar 203 0-6-0 switcher and tender) its picture was dark and small, but I recognized the length of the lettering and called the guy and asked for the number on the engine. Won the whole lot for less than 250 bucks, I even controlled myself when the guy wanted to charge me 70 bucks to mail the 9 boxes he packed the stuff in. It was funny, he had one box in particular that had about 6 pieces of rusty track and nothing else with a $7 shipping cost. Oh well I got my prize and it was worth it.