Regal Ruby in HO Scale

What is this, my third idea for a project? Whatever…

This is My Right Foot In 2: Electric Boogaloo.

After managing to not get a boxcar kit, I decided to work on a car that I already own. And I happen to own a lot of Santa Fe sleepers and a book full of pictures and information on the Sleepers of the Santa Fe; so, I’m taking a crack at it.

I have one of the Regal-series 4-4-2 sleepers from the 2010 run of the Super Chief, so I plan to spruce it up. My plans are:

  • Bending my own L handrails and uncoupling levers for the non-vestibule end
  • Painting and detailing the interior
  • Adding curtains (for privacy!)
  • Replacing the couplers with Kadee scale couplers
  • Fitting Hi Tech Details diaphragms
  • Maybe working on underbody piping?
  • Applying the name (Regal Ruby)

Don’t worry, the boxcar will come later!

Hi, Clipper…

This is the Walthers car? It should have come with a bag of pre-formed grab irons in bright plated wire that looks like stainless steel. Did you get this with your 4-4-2?

Also, be sure to clean and degrease the interior very well. My experience with painting Walthers interior parts is that they leave lots of mold release behind which paint will not like very much!

Good Luck, Ed

When I decide to really get into the nitty-gritty, I plan on retrofitting not just this car, but every passenger car I own with Sergent Couplers.

Yes, this is a Walthers car. Part number 920-9005 (although it does have a lighting kit, so it is techically 920-9015). I don’t recall ever getting a bag with wire grabs. This car came factory new, so I doubt it ever had one to begin with.

I didn’t know that I had to degrease the interior. Thanks for the tip!

Ah…passenger cars.


These are the one thing I juat can never get motivated about. I can work on freight cars all the timne. They are all unique and full or stories and personality. Passenger cars are so boring to me.


Bending wire grabs is a good skill to have in your personal tool kit.


Have fun!




Check under your plastic bed to see if your handrail bag is taped there. Mine are always there.

[quote user=“The Jet Clipper”]


Hi, Clipper…

This is the Walthers car? It should have come with a bag of pre-formed grab irons in bright plated wire that looks like stainless steel. Did you get this with your 4-4-2?

Also, be sure to clean and degrease the interior very well. My experience with painting Walthers interior parts is that they leave lots of mold release behind which paint will not like very much!

Good Luck, Ed