Removing Kato Decals

I have a dilemma. The silkscreened beaver shield that Kato put on their CP SD90MAC locomotives is incorrect. Why can’t they get their paint colors and decals correct? (Case in point: they used the wrong color paint on their Via P42 Genesis.) Anyway, I am looking for a way to remove the decal so that I can replace it with the correct one (the one they use on their AC4400CW). Kato doesn’t recommend removing the decal because some of the paint may come off. (Well, maybe they should put the right decal on to begin with.)

Has anyone had success removing the silkscreening off of Kato locos without removing or damaging the paint?

Is there a size difference?If not ,why not just decal right over the KATO beaver?

If that isn’t an option you can use acetone (fingernail polish remover)to remove the KATO artwork.I have been told that 91% alcohol will also work,but have not tried THAT.

[edit] You can buy acetone at your locol hardware store.(WARNING on newer KATO shells the acetone if left too long will remove the paint.)

Better to contact KATO USA.

A’Silk Screen’ process is NOT a decal, and Acetone may - I said “may” - dissolve the plastic, and then you’re up the proverbial ‘creek.’ with a gooey mess.

You might be better off leaving it, or painting over it and decalling. Look before you Leap.