I want to replace my ez track turnout controllers “cubes” with on-off-on SPDT three prong switchers.
Could someone describe were the 3 green wires from the layout track goes along with the two power wires as it relates to the SPDT switch.
I am just interested in setting up only one Switch to see what the wiring looks like. Then I will try to link together all the other turnout switches with power.
You need to use a spdt momentary contact switch preferably with a capacitive discharge unit to avoid burning out the coils on the turnout.
Use the center wire as the common wired to the center post of the switch on one end and the power pack or CDU on other.
Wire the outside wires to the other terminal on PP/CDU and you should be good to go. As you wire more turnouts you will want a terminal block with jumper to simplify wiring also if you are using a panel you will want to establish a common orientation of switch so that you for example that pushing a switch up sets the turnout to main and pushing down the divergent route.
The ez track turnout switches look like cubes. The switch goes one way and stay, does not slide and come back. You still would recommend a momentary spdt switcH.
They look exactly like the Atlas control boxes, you slide to one side and push down - it’s a momentary contact. It almost always has to be, the twin coil type switch motors cannot handle current flowing continuously and will just burn out.
Hello Randy There are two types of control boxes for ez track depending on the turnout you get. One looks and works like an atlas and the other other looks like a cube and the switch goes to one sided or the other and stays. I want to replace the cube shape ez track turnouts.
They still almost certainly have to me moentary - perhaps a wiping type contact that makes contact as you slide the control from one side to the other, with no contact at the ‘all the way over’ position. Unlikely that the drive to the switch machine is always powered - easy enough to check with a meter, or a 14-18 volt light bulb. Unplug the 3 wire connector that goes fromt he box to the turnout, and check for power between the common, which is probably the center, and either of the sides, with the control switch in both positions.
Im sure we are talking about the same type of ez track and yes I will need a momentary spdt Switch.
Back to my original question.
I have 5 wires, 3 green turnout wires and 2 red power wires along with 3 pins on the spdt Switch that they need to connect to.
The middle green wire connects to the middle pin of the spdt switch. Were do the remaining 4 wires (2 green and 2 red) go to make this replacement work.
One power supply wire is the common to all turnouts - one of the 2 wire side likely connects to the center pin on the 3 wire side. So that is the same as running a wire from the power supply to the center wire on each switch machine. The other power supply wire goes to the center terminal of a SPDT switch. The two outer terminals are the other 2 green wires from the 3 wire cable.
I went out and got a spdt Switch with momentary delay. I hooked the three green wires to the spdt Switch one each to the three prongs of the Switch. With the middle wire on the middle prong.
Now here do the two power wires go and do I need to splice one to make two.
I went out and got a spdt Switch with momentary delay. I hooked the three green wires to the spdt Switch one each to the three prongs of the Switch. With the middle wire on the middle prong.
Now here do the two power wires go and do I need to splice one to make two.
The middle prong of each SPDT toggle needs to go to one side of your power supply. The other side of your power supply goes to the middle of the 3 wire cord to each of the turnouts. The outer two wires from each turnout goes to the outer terminals on each SPDT switch. Assuming the middle wire of the 3 is the common, which is is with Atlas but who knows with Bachmann.
Only 2 of the 3 from the turnout itself connect to the SPDT toggles. The common ones should all be spliced toogether and connected to the power supply. All the center terminals of each toggle should be connected together and then connected to the other power supply terminal.
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If there are two wires that come in to the control box for power, and 3 wires that go from the control box to the turnout, you can repalce the control box with a SPDT momentary toggle. PROBABLY the same way, except it appears they use green for all 3 wires from the turnout so whichever one is the common is anyone’s guess - most likely the middle.