restaurant meal delivery by model train, wisconsin

Has anyone heard of a restaurant in the Milwaukee
area that delivers meals via a model train?

Hello, I haven’t heard of the one in Milwaukee but there is one here in Door County that delivers your drinks and then food via a G scale train with flat cars.

I couldn’t give you the type of locomotive that was pulling but I was rather surprised how fast it went without dumping the drinks over. LOL

Lyle R Ehlers

Don’t know about Milwaukee but in DesPlaines, IL theres a restaurant called the “Choo-Choo Restaurant”. Food comes out of trhe kitchen on some flat cars, makes a loop around the counter, stops at your stool, and then continues around into the kitchen. Great place to take kids. I think they are open for breakfast on the weekends. Lunch and early dinner on weekdays. DesPlaines is right by O’hare Airport. DesPlaines Hobbies is about a mile and a half south of the restaurant.

Paul & Lyle,

Interesting! Mouth is watering.

Never saw a food train but we have Whistle Stop in The Plains, Va (yes, The Plains is the real name of the town); owned by actor duvall. 3-rail trains go around the room. Excellent Sunday lunch, btw and the B Line (old Southern) winds its way nearby on the curvey mountain line.

Closest I ever came to a train delivering food was in Okinawa sushi bar, where a conveyor belt brought along scrupdileeicous platters of fish egg, eel, 20 varieties of raw fish, raw squid and octapus and seaweed as well as the occasional Fugu (blowfish) not for the feint of heart, which will kill you instantly if not correctly prepared. Yum Yum! mOuth is watering already

couisin you could literally DIE for!

ah hum,

well, got a bit carried away and forgot to mention April Trains mag is a complete edition of food and trains. We all like food and we all like trains so that’s a no brainer.

Am saddened to hear that Amtrak is fudging on its meals.

BTW, rode PRR gg-1 consist between NY and Harrisburg and Lancaster from 1963 to 1968 and was never once served a meal. Us fresh air kids from the ghetto brought our own bag lunches!


Last night on the news, local NBC station, they did a feature on classic Chicago attractions. And the Choo Choo restaurant was one of them! They showed close-ups of the train cruising down the counter. They are now using the Lionel 0-6-0 tank engine followed by flat cars that carry the food.

Never been there when it was opened. Have to do so someday. My kids have gone when they were little.

Every other year I go to Kansas City, MO for business and there is this burger restaurant at the Hallmark Crown Center called “Fritz’s Railroad Restaurant”.

“Featuring Fritz’s signature burgers delivered to tables by overhead electric trains. When a patron sits down in the restaurant, the order is placed with a phone that sits on each table. A few minutes later, a whistle blows and a single-car train travels across a suspended track, dropping a box of burgers and fries onto a platform, which is lowered to the table.”

The kids love it! And the burgers aren’t bad!

Just moved back to Wisconsin, and do not know if this restaurant is still open. I believe you’re thinking of the " SAFEHOUSE". Meals were delivered to your table via a robot that came down from the ceiling

Fritz’s in KC is great! My whole family loved it and the gave the kids paper conductor hats. They have some toy trains set up in the window, but when we were there, it was in need of some cleaning etc.