Rivarossi Home Page

Has anyone found a factory home page for Rivarossi? My Mikado abruptly locked up and I need some help.

The authorizied HO Riv dealer is Gulf Manor Hobbies in Cincinnati Ohio for repairs beyond the first year of original ownership. Look up the tel # in MR back page advertisers.

If you bot this HO model as new and less than a year old call Walthers in Milwaukee.
1-800-487-2467, ext 3267, Mike Federrly

If this is one of those that’s listed in MR by Trainworld and is a recent buy you should be able to exchange it at Walthers per Phil Walthers, President of Walthers. I have his letter of warranty.

Strange that their ad no longer appears and I will call and ask why.
I assume that they still have on staff , Ray who is their part-time mechanic but I will find out. According to an earlier MR edition they are open Sat
You can e-mail me direct if you wish.
I have had 6-7 older rivs and now only own the new allegheny.

Golf Manor Hobby of Cincinnati 513-351-3849 no
longer is advertising in MR but they still carry the
Riv parts and Ray the mechanic makes repairs.

Gulf Manor Hobbies is not listed in the March MR, do you have a number or a website? Thanks for your help.
