Rivarossi s 100

New locomotive. How do you connect the connecting rods and valve gear? When I took it out of box these were hanging loose not connected to wheels.

When I put it on track rear wheels work but no movement.

MMy theory is that this keeping it from working?

Do you have the screws, bolts or whatever to hold them in?

If you don’t have a parts breakdown to show you, look at a similar loco of another brand to see if it will help.

Not sure if their site would have a parts sketch or not.

Good luck,


Can you post pictures?

Quote: Eslsrr,

When I put it on track rear wheels work but no movement.

What do you mean by this statement? Do they roll? Or do they spin, under power? If they spin under power, the side rods on the drivers, must be connected for it to roll. Side rods on one side partially up, other side partially down. not both sides the same. More info will help, for anyone to be able to help you. Does not sound like it was brand new in box to me.


I took it to mean the geared drivers are spinning. If I had a NIB loco with hanging rods [8o|] it would have went back into the box instead of the track.

Did the op really think it would run with the rods and valve gear hanging? [*-)]

Did you buy this new? If so, I would return it to whomever sold it to you and ask for a replacement, repair, or refund. Too often in this hobby, modelers accept defective merchandise and think it is up to them to fix it. We should be returning these to the retailers who will in turn return them to the manufacturers who will then have to deal with the consequences of their poor quality control?

zstripe: I ordered it new from the manufacturer. Soo: I’m real new to this so give me a little slack. I didn’t think it would more along the lines of hoped it would. Jc: Ayup I am going to return it!