roanoke web cam

is it still down. I can’t connect and when i do all i get is buffering. rambo1…

I’ll alert the media.

I just looked at it a minute ago and it seems fine to me. Still haven’t seen a train though. Anyone have an idea as to how frequently they run?

could be my firewall what’s that rambo1…

I was just viewing it. It did go to black once after about 5 minutes, but a few minutes later it came back. I closed the window then for lack of trains to view.

I have noticed that whatever that construction project is, it seems to have reached some sort of stall… The large end-loader was moved away a couple of days ago and today there is a small tank truck in it’s place and the backhoe that was parked at the far right is gone, too. Maybe all the work is occuring to the east (camera left).

I just opened the camera site again and it is working fine, even if there are no trains to see.

I don’t think there is a “schedule” for trains through this area. I suppose there are some incomming and outgoing freights there, but most of the movements are just transfers of cars between the east and west yards. I see lots of light power moves (sometimes up to 10 engines at once!) I see a caboose often in the late afternoon/early evening (5 o’clock, give or take 2 hours). The caboose is always trailing on the eastbound and usually on tracks 3 or 4 (furtherest away from camera).

What web site is this?

It is a webcam mounted on top of a walkway across the NS tracks in downtown Roanoke. There are several other threads on the ‘other’ Trains dot com forum about it, See:

That last one is the original thread and is quite long (89 pages!) and involved to go back and read it all now, but it has a lot of history of the cam and what people have seen and what some of the non-trains things are in the view. Just be mindfull that the early posts talk about some of the startup problems that have mostly been fixed and it works pretty well now.

Very good camera aimed at 4 busy tracks of the Norfolk Southern. Run Google Earth (or your favourite maping software) and enter these coordinates:

37°16’25.23"N, 79°56’22.37"W

That is the location of the camera. It faces West-SouthWest toward the Virginia Museum of Transportation.

Here is a link to one of the methods of viewing the cam:

I love that webcam!! When my father works out on the tracks, he will take a break and call us so we can see him :-).

You might wish to view the other Trains dot com forum’s thread about the Roanoke Rail Cam. It is 89 pages long, so you probably don’t want to start at page one and read it all right now, so here is a link to page 89.

Most of the 89 pages are comments about the cam not working and then working again, and comments about events that were happening at the time of the posting, which are kind of meaningless now, so it can be lots of useless reading, but you might, as time permits, browse through all 89 pages to catch some of the photos that have been posted and other comments about the area (it gets boring between trains and people get to looking at “other” things and have questions about them!).

Maybe TrainGirl101 can get some answers to those “other things” or tell us more about goings-on in the area? (hope, hope!) [:)]