Roundhouse and Turntable Space in HO

I am currently designing a trackplan in HO scale. I would like to incorporate a six stall roundhouse (Atlas or Walthers kits) and an Atlas motorized turntable. Could someone please advise me on the needed space for these items? Would 30" square be adequate, or would less room work? Also, is 12" between the roundhouse and the turntable be enough? I will be running diesels for the most part.
GP60’s being the largest. Thanks for your help

I have a Walthers turntable and Heljan three stall roundhouse. I have four outside storage tracks. The widest part of the roundhouse measures 16". The space between roundhouse and turntable is 8.5". The overall length from the back of the roundhouse to the start of the turntable is 40".

Consequently, I think that you would need space of 35"x40".

I placed mine in the middle of a loop so that there was plenty of room and it serves as a view block. The steamers go inside and the diesels are outside.

Hope this helps…Ken

Thanks Ken, I have done some more research and noticed the Atlas turntable is a surface mount. I am assuming that I would have to raise the roadbed and surrounding surface to the grade of the turntable. Perhaps a Walthers kit would be better?

The Walther’s turntable has a lip that sits on the surface; however, its depth is the same height as the ties so it comes out flush. It wouldn’t surprise me if the Atlas kit does the same.

The Walther’s kit did not go together as easily as I thought it should. We have had to tweak it quite a bit to make it turn smoothly. I suggest that you talk to some others about the running of their turntables.

Merry Christmas…Ken

I have seen this done recently in N scale on the Atlas forum.
layout all the track first, checking for alignment from turntable thru the roundhouse. Use the Peco pit track in 1 or 2 stalls for added detail. Then you can be sure everything will fit. I suspect that it would be easier to use one brand of roundhouse & turntable, so that instructions will tell you how close & how long the tracks can be.
I’d like to see the new Walthers kit done in N scale. With all the new product coming out from Atlas, Bachmann, MDC, Model Power & Lifelike, 2004 will be the year for Nscale steam!

if you were to go here and then roll over the roundhouse, you see you need need about 32" in radius for the roundhouse, the Turntable is 20" in diameter, howerver part of the Roundhouses radius is also part of the tunetables (10" to be exact and would be exactly the radius of the turntable). so, if you used a walthers turntable and any 10 degree roundhouse, you’d need about 32" in length, for your width, you would need, for 6 stall, about another 32". so you are looking at a 36"x36" area for your setup.

Most people would put this on a penensula, or in a corner that is easy to access from behind as well.

As for atlas, I’m not sure what your requirements would be, as they use 15 degree’s on their turntable and roundhouse. so you’d probably need more room for them.


Note: I used walthers in the above mentioned example, but except for atlas, I believe all the other turntable and roundhouse manufacturers are compatable with walthers at 10 degrees.

Thanks Jay. My wife gave me a Walthers catalog for Christmas. Have not hardly put it down! I have almost wore out a highlighter marker too! I am leaning towards the smaller Walthers turntable and roundhouse. As I am still in my planning stages, I can still tweak things alot. My plan so far is a double dogbone with a staging yard or servicing area off on a penninsula in one corner. The plan is in a “U” configuration. Outside dimensions are 10’ X 12’ I have freed up an area about 38" deep and 60" long for the turntable, roundhouse and other servicing facilities. I started laying the structures into the plan and it seems to be working ok. I am going to try and get my trackplan posted for some other comments and suggestions from other experienced modelers. I will be leaning more towards alot of mountain scenery than prototypical operations. Any other advice would be appreciated. Thanks again

Thanks Jay. My wife gave me a Walthers catalog for Christmas. Have not hardly put it down! I have almost wore out a highlighter marker too! I am leaning towards the smaller Walthers turntable and roundhouse. As I am still in my planning stages, I can still tweak things alot. My plan so far is a double dogbone with a staging yard or servicing area off on a penninsula in one corner. The plan is in a “U” configuration. Outside dimensions are 10’ X 12’ I have freed up an area about 38" deep and 60" long for the turntable, roundhouse and other servicing facilities. I started laying the structures into the plan and it seems to be working ok. I am going to try and get my trackplan posted for some other comments and suggestions from other experienced modelers. I will be leaning more towards alot of mountain scenery than prototypical operations. Any other advice would be appreciated. Thanks again

Thanks Jay. My wife gave me a Walthers catalog for Christmas. Have not hardly put it down! I have almost wore out a highlighter marker too! I am leaning towards the smaller Walthers turntable and roundhouse. As I am still in my planning stages, I can still tweak things alot. My plan so far is a double dogbone with a staging yard or servicing area off on a penninsula in one corner. The plan is in a “U” configuration. Outside dimensions are 10’ X 12’ I have freed up an area about 38" deep and 60" long for the turntable, roundhouse and other servicing facilities. I started laying the structures into the plan and it seems to be working ok. I am going to try and get my trackplan posted for some other comments and suggestions from other experienced modelers. I will be leaning more towards alot of mountain scenery than prototypical operations. Any other advice would be appreciated. Thanks again

Thanks Jay. My wife gave me a Walthers catalog for Christmas. Have not hardly put it down! I have almost wore out a highlighter marker too! I am leaning towards the smaller Walthers turntable and roundhouse. As I am still in my planning stages, I can still tweak things alot. My plan so far is a double dogbone with a staging yard or servicing area off on a penninsula in one corner. The plan is in a “U” configuration. Outside dimensions are 10’ X 12’ I have freed up an area about 38" deep and 60" long for the turntable, roundhouse and other servicing facilities. I started laying the structures into the plan and it seems to be working ok. I am going to try and get my trackplan posted for some other comments and suggestions from other experienced modelers. I will be leaning more towards alot of mountain scenery than prototypical operations. Any other advice would be appreciated. Thanks again