roundhouse roof

Just finished building my Walther’s 130 ft roundhouse. Weathered it inside and out . I’ve read of 3 different ways to finish the roof. Black sand paper, wrapping tissue with an oily black painted over it or just paint the styrene a dark color. What have you guys done? And if anyone can tell me how to apply the tissue paper if I go that route it would be appreciated. Thanks

Rustoleum has a line of “textured” rattle-can spray paints. I have a can of speckled black that I like for painting roofs. It produces a grainy finish which greatly enhances the flat appearance of a styrene roof. It also takes weathering powders very well, so it’s easy to add rust spots, etc., around vents and chimneys. I usually finish it off with Dul-Coat.

The issue paper is placed over the roof, and paint is applied to the tissue. The paint soaks through the paper and acts as an adhesive. When the paint dries, the excess paper is trimmed.

Alot of times tar and gravel was used on flat roofs. You can duplicate this by painting the roof with thinned elmers glue and sprinkling on n scale cinders.


I have used masking tape cut to 36 inch widths by 30 feet long. Then painted a dark grey with grimy black for the seams. Now I use branch-line trains laser art tar-paper roofing. Sometimes I let the sun bleach it out for a while to look more weathered.


I use a piece of sheet styrene, spread white glue thinly over the entire surface, sprinkle on playbox sand, shake off the excess, and hit it with some rattle can spray paint. Instant ballasted roof.